This guy needs to sort it out

ha yea i saw those before,i lolled at the kalmah one the first time i heard it
Feel_The_Force said:
What the fuck is going on with his fingers, they are all over the place.

Also i think he is trying to look like OMGAL3x1!!111

+1 its pretty stupied to pull your fingers away from the fretboard that mutch...
ha,he is never going to be able to play fast if he cant keep his fingers from going up like that,its like his fretboard is a trampoline:lol:
sapaz_is_fuel said:
PLZ LOOK AGGAGAAHAAHAHAHHAHHAA....whats wrong with his fingers ? :S his fingers kill people
like fucking mini hotdogs slapping the fretboard, and fingerpaint is causing a problem in aerodynamics so they arnt hitting the frets fast or good enough

-1 for guitar pro in behind him
-1 for ME being better than him, and I paly bass