This is annoying:


Custom User Title
Nov 25, 2005
Eureka, CA
When any restaurant in general does this, but it seems to be more prevalent in hole-in-the-wall places.
You order a coke/pepsi. Your cup is about 16-20oz, I guess I can live with that. But then half the cup is filled with crushed ice which basically eliminates approximately half of the effective soda-holding volume of the cup. It grinds the shit out of my gears.
They call it profit. I call it niggerfied.
However my BBQ meatloaf sandwich on grilled sourdough with fries is pretty amazing.
I doubt I could do that at this place. The fountains are behind the counter. It's a diner across from my hotel. But even then the small cup is probably useful against that too to where they still maximize profit. I'm sure a good portion of people are too lazy to get up and fill their cup 4 times to get their desired amount of beverage, so the bastard restaurant wins.

Oh well. Having gone to the gas station for a delicious Stone Smoked Porter prior to getting dinner makes light of an otherwise shitty situation.
i just demand "no ice... no ice... no ice..." yes, i stress it three times so they get it right. if they don't, i talk to the manager. their asses in trouble... i win. i've successfully done that 3 times now.
i just demand "no ice... no ice... no ice..." yes, i stress it three times so they get it right. if they don't, i talk to the manager. their asses in trouble... i win. i've successfully done that 3 times now.

your a bloody genius, thx for tip!!!!
i hate refills ....
yea, but you SERIOUSLY have to stress it, like 'if you fuck it up, i WILL wanna speak with your manager.' i'm an asshole. i'm a nice guy, but when i want things done they way i want them done, especially if it involves my stomach... I'm an asshole.
I'm the nicest guy ever to people at restaurants because I've worked in one. Unless you give me plenty of reason to be an asshole, I'm your dream customer. I almost spelled that cumstomer.

Ohhhh dreeeeam cumstomer. I believe you can get me through the ni-hiiiiiiight.
I'm the nicest guy ever to people at restaurants because I've worked in one. Unless you give me plenty of reason to be an asshole, I'm your dream customer. I almost spelled that cumstomer.

Ohhhh dreeeeam cumstomer. I believe you can get me through the ni-hiiiiiiight.

i agree with this guy; food service work sucks more dick than a crackwhore or LRD
Stop going to the restaurant?

I like it when they give me crushed ice. I munch on the ice, then get a refill. If you want more that badly, just pay the extra $1.25, ask for no ice, then pour the leftover ice from the previous cup in there until you're satisfied.
i just demand "no ice... no ice... no ice..." yes, i stress it three times so they get it right. if they don't, i talk to the manager. their asses in trouble... i win. i've successfully done that 3 times now.

"I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a pina colada, and I said no salt, NO salt for the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass..."

And Kellan, while your in Coos Bay stop at Kum-Yon's (if they're still open, and if you like Chinese foodsies)
835 S Broadway 541-269-2662

It will make you forget about the poor ice - soda ratio :Spin:

Also go to "Crazy Norwegians" in Port Orford...yummy and cheap food and awesome T-shirts.
Lesa - I totally want to go to Crazy Norwegian's. My grandma actually used to live in Port Orford about a decade ago and we went there and I remember it being good. But I'd like to stop by if not just for nostalgia. I tried once and it was insanely busy though so I just said I'd do it another time, but haven't. Where do you think is a good place to get some coffee up here anyway? Because the joints around here evidently buy the SHIT out of it every week, I'm finding.

Damn I should've brought my camera. The view at battle rock and the bluffs just south of Port Orford are insanely beautiful. I'm just used to having to leave here at about 5am and drive straight back to Eureka for leftover work there so stopping for the scenery is always in the back of my mind.
That view is really pretty...the water is so insanely shiny :zombie:

And don't just look at the view, definitely hike up and around rock...there's a trail and a cemetary up there.
And the beach is cool, too...enjoy the dead crab husks :lol:

Btw, I don't know about any good coffee places, um...I don't really drink it
I totally want to hike up to the top of that Humbug Mountain I think it is. The view from up there would be incredible. Is that the one you're talking about or no? Or Battle rock?

Bringing my camera would've been pointless anyway though, it was foggy right when I got to Port Orford. However I did see a Ferrari (couldn't tell what model) and a Skyline (obviously imported) on my way back today. So maybe I should've brought it. Had to sit there and stare at the Skyline as it came my way going "no that can't be real, that's just another prelude or equally lame car with a skyline front lip on it right?" and after seeing the rear of it in my mirror it was definitely genuine. Both made my car feel like less of a man.