This is as far as I can get, could I possibly get some help please?


Hey guys n gals what's up?

I had a silent crack at the death metal track floating about atm, they are the band who are asking for mixers and will pay $1000 to anyone who can do it well etc..

but anyway, I've mixed it as far as I can get by myself.. past this point is definitely gonna be help from other peoples brain pockets...

Known issues are:

Struggling with the snare,

The bass may be too loud / not punchy enough,

General amature sound,

I thought I did pretty well on the solo tones though! They kick in around 3 minutes, I was also pleased with the vocals.

So main areas of focus are Drums and Bass.. but any other tips in general are all welcome, so please jump in if you feel you can help or wish to help myself and others progress.

Many thanks in advance!

I guess more would be interested if you used a better place to download a file. The faster the better. Few like to have to wait minutes to download something they dont know if its worth the wait. But I was patient enough this time. Ok I´m no pro but what I can say is that the mix lack clarity. I only hear a chaotic mix and all the instruments are fighting to be the lead instrument i.e. the mix lacks also structure. Its obvious that you dont have any vision of what you want to do with the mix. Now it may sound like harsch words but I´m only trying to help and be honest. When you mix, make sure that there´s no conflict between the bassdrum and bassguitar. Solo them and listen. Also I would recommend you watch pro-videos, e.g. internal mixing I-II. And RSO, have some good instructional videos where you can learn alot from. I did and both of them have helped me alot. Not only how to use mixing tools but what to think about and the philosophy behind a mix. And that is so overlooked by many. The more you know the better you can become. Anyway good look with the song.
can anyone verify where the solos are supposed to come in???? - when i imported all the tracks into cubase the solos play under the vocal parts??? wtf??
I guess more would be interested if you used a better place to download a file. The faster the better. Few like to have to wait minutes to download something they dont know if its worth the wait. But I was patient enough this time. Ok I´m no pro but what I can say is that the mix lack clarity. I only hear a chaotic mix and all the instruments are fighting to be the lead instrument i.e. the mix lacks also structure. Its obvious that you dont have any vision of what you want to do with the mix. Now it may sound like harsch words but I´m only trying to help and be honest. When you mix, make sure that there´s no conflict between the bassdrum and bassguitar. Solo them and listen. Also I would recommend you watch pro-videos, e.g. internal mixing I-II. And RSO, have some good instructional videos where you can learn alot from. I did and both of them have helped me alot. Not only how to use mixing tools but what to think about and the philosophy behind a mix. And that is so overlooked by many. The more you know the better you can become. Anyway good look with the song.

Hey man thanks for the reply, I replied to your thoughts in sections below :D

1, I did not realise that media fire was considered slow? Where would you suggest I upload it instead man? I completly agree that ease of access and speed should be of the essence.

2, Hmm vision, I don't really know how to answer this one, I just tried to balance stuff out and just in general get the mix to sound clear, it sounds clear this end but I can't really argue with you as I really do have no idea what the hell I'm doing.

3, I'll check that link out man thanks for your time :D

and to the guy below the solo's come in around 3 minutes I think