This is creepy; for adults only!


Sep 15, 2002
Helsinki, Finland
Okay, first of all let me tell you that I DO believe in the spirit-world, I DO believe in mysticism so maybe that's why this whole thing got me unarmed... A guy on another board show us this page, and I was careless and opened it and didn't read through the warning. And OF COURSE I checked it at night...
I still cannot decide whether it was just my imagination or something really did happen, but I felt a sudden chill when I looked at the painting...I did not analyze it for long since it scared me alot somehow, I felt very uneasy, but I'm curious of what you guys think about it.
The painting is real but I don't know If the whole story of it is fake or not.
So, either that painting just a good artwork and it is doing funny things visually or it is really haunted...decide it for yourself.
crappy psichological analysis made by moi:

I didn't see the whole page yet, but here is the deal:

The disturbing parts
1-It involves only children. Children ARE spooky, they have this aura of "something is wrong" when they look catatonic

2-The little girl has no eyes, and the little boy's eyes aren't very clear. Human mind needs eye contact, when you can't have it, you have that "something's wrong" feeling again.

3-The hands on that door. All childrens hands, trying to get out of the darkness.
The whole concept of people trying to get out of darkness is weird to us, it gives a weird feeling, maybe it's a kind of subconscious empathy.

And last but not least,

4- the pre-story. I didn't read the whole thing, but i'm pretty sure that the story spooks you a bit before showing you some details. It makes your brain throw adrenalin on your blood, so you start to get the chills BEFORE seeing the pic closely.

So, adding all that, it kinda gives a weird feeling.
I'm gonna look at it a bit more and read the whole thing :)
Well actually I did not read the pre-story beforing looking at the painting and still it gave me this uncomfortable feeling.

But your analyzing has some good points, the whole concept of it makes it very wierd. I wonder If it'd have given me the same feeling If I'd see this in a museum or smthing...
well, the pre-story really gets the adrenalin pumpin...
i was messing with the images a bit, to try to get the same effect that there is on those pics where the little girl "has left the painting"...
well, it looked to me like some burning (the computer tool, not fire :D), and i got to give it that look... but the edges are shinier than the original, i'm still trying to figure out how that can be done.

Let's ask M. what she thinks! :D

btw: it makes a nice avatar :D
That wasn't shit. Well, considering what I have and still do go through. Remember the story I told you guys about me in the 'Do you believe in ghosts?' thread? I guess since from my past and current experiances, stuff like this doesn't really phase me. Sorry, nice try.......

NP: Freedom Call - We Are One