This is driving me freaking crazy!!

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007

ok, here we go. i have been doing my bands demo, or at least just one song right now. i have used mostly ghetto/borrowed gear, but i have, so far, gotten a decent sound. i had everything done, drums sounded good, guitars, vocals, bass, but then we tracked the keys. immediately, when listening on playback, all of us thought that something sounded out of key. i went back and checked the midi tracks for the keys, but our keyboardist had played everything correctly. i have tried everything i can possible think of. i have gone in with a tuner vst and checked the guitars, they are in tune. the bass is in tune, the keys are in tune!!!! what the hell!!! :guh:
just so you know, i had a problem early on where i accidentally turned the playback speed to 1.02 in reaper, and i did record that guitars that way, but, reaper allows you to go back and change the speed on each individual track later, so i thought i fixed it....

so i don't know what to do, will you guys take a listen and see what's wrong?? i can post the individual tracks later on tonight if needed.
thanks :headbang:
I'm not sure what you're hearing out of key. The only part that sounds out of key was a lead in the middle of the song that sounds like it was caused by the vibrato the guitar was playing while the keyboard was chording. The keyboard parts are fairly uninvolved so my opinion is they should sit lower in the mix. Guitars are way in the back and don't have much attack. They need to be brightened up a bit as well. Bass completely over powers them. Same for keys and vox. Some more compression on vox and laying back on the bass could help a bit. Try throwing a comp over the 2-bus with a mild attack setting and release around 250ms. You don't want it to pump your mix so ratio between 2-3:1 and watch your threshold and keep it low enough to where it doesn't pump like i said earlier. This will hopefully help tame some of the different tracks in your mix. After putting this comp on you may/will have to adjust your mix to bring things up and down as needed. Your mix just sounds like everything is foreign in comparison to each of voices. Hope this helps!!