Michael Jackson -Bad- cover. Real drums, CLA guitars


I love this gain
Oct 20, 2007
Hi guys! Back to producing some music again.

I recorded and mixed everything as usual. I was toying with the CLA guitars/bass plugins for playback and editing purposes but I ended up liking the guitars and bass. I thought they fit the style. And I was too lazy to set up all the reamping stuff XD so yeah, I hope it sounds ok / not too obvoius.

Kick is replaced, Snare is bit spiced up. Everything else is real.

Feedback is appreciated :)


Don't like your guitar sound, it doesn't fit this song as for me. Also you overcompressed your mix and your kick drum and bass track have too much low end

Thank you for your response. Yeah, the guitar plugin is very limited. I´ll be reamping properly next time.

There's no compression on the mix (maybe 1-2 dB). You mean it's overlimited, perhaps?

I'll look into that kick and bass low end.

Thanks again :kickass:
Thank you for your response. Yeah, the guitar plugin is very limited. I´ll be reamping properly next time.

There's no compression on the mix (maybe 1-2 dB). You mean it's overlimited, perhaps?

I'll look into that kick and bass low end.

Thanks again :kickass:
Actually you can use this plugin again, but try to use a different sound. This guitar tone is good for industrial metal or something like that, but for your song(with that sound of drums and other instruments)it would be better if you use more classical guitar sound without such mid scoop.

Yep, you limited your mix too heavy.