This is fucked.

NO WAY IN HELL do you need a $300 video card to run that. Not in a million years. Whoever told you that is a lying cheating whore.

I was running that just fine on my PIII 733 with 256Meg Ram with a $69 GeForce2 card that I bought 3 years ago. It may not have been quite as smooth as you would have liked, but it was perfectly playable.
Koich said:
You can pick up an old Radeon 9200 that runs it nicely for about $150.
80 bucks plus postage from me ;)

Powered by ATI®'s Radeon™ 9200 SE Visual Processing Unit(VPU), the only graphics processor supporting DirectX 8.1 programmable shaders in its class, ASUS Radeon™ 9200 SE provides outstanding image quality and high performance for immersive gameplay and business. Incorporating various cutting edge technologies such as ATI's SMARTSHADER™, SMOOTHVISION™, FULLSTREAM™ and ASUS' GameFace™, Radeon™ 9200 SE is suitable for users who hope to gain maximal graphics capabilities and performance in budget prices.

:Spam: :Spam: :Spam: :Spam:
Koich said:
You can pick up an old Radeon 9200 that runs it nicely for about $150.
A hunnert an' fi'tty bux ???

I was having all sorts of shit video card problems (Turns out Gigabyte didn't want to talk to talk AGP stuff).

I got a radeon 9200 at the computer fair for $85.

If the game will run on a TNT2 16MB, then I've got a spare (now I've got my Radeon)
computer fair's are great for bargains. I didn't realise how cheap 9200's were going for these days.

If you can get a 4200ti instead, get that. Much better.