I just discovered that once you open the applet in your browser, even if you lose your internet connection, the thing goes uninterrupted! You can let it run forever and it won't use up any bandwidth!
I'm afraid I won't be able to surpass Paul's 74 hour mark this week. I have to turn off my computer over the weekends. BOO ME. However, next week, I shall work on surpassing it. Because some things are important.
Kind of the way that video for Joga with the flying over the countryside goes well with the music- very open lush chords over the green expanse of the ground flying past.
It'd be too easy to use a picture of an actual girl with an actual watering can in that song. The bear is more interesting. And it makes you actually think something else it going to happen with the bear- but nothing does.
Are you serious? Joga is my second least favorite bjork video next to Violently Happy-- both seem pretty inappropriate to me, but not in the same brilliant Venus-as-a-boy kitchen scene inappropriateness.
That Violnetly Happy video sure does piss me off, by the way.
Yeah, I like that Joga video! I don't like the one for Hunter; the song is killer, but that close-up shot of her turning into the bear gets annoying after a while.
Samurai Jack is fucking fantastic. There's never any story. The entire episode is always just like one big fight sequence. They'll even have commercials in the middle of the fight sequence, and then come back to it.
Samurai Jack rules. There's no black lines around each character like in most cartoons, and it's perfectly childish in its mindset without being stupid.