This is kind of a complicated request...


New Metal Member
Sep 24, 2012
So let me start by saying that aside from the obligatory Death, my favorite metal band is Nile. And no, I'm not a fan because they can shred really fast. In fact, a lot of their music gives me goosebumps every time I listen. They just sound so profoundly dark and epic at times...
I digress. Anyway, at the same time, I'm not a big black metal fan for the most part, because while I find their music rather evil and dark in small snippets, I find it hard not to get bored 2 minutes into an average song. I think it's the "droning" factor of the way it's written, which I think doesn't really work well in aggressive music. Or, if they do write in a more complex musical way, often it comes out very cleanly produced and less raw (although I still do love those bands, I just listen to it alongside melodic death). Black metal bands I do like are Emperor, Deströyer 666, Absu, Ne Obliviscaris, Carach Angren, and Luna Ad Noctum.
So anyway, I guess what I'm looking for is either death metal bands that have haunting, dark, or climactic moments, or black metal that retains a raw sound without "droning" on and on.
Any suggestions?
Storm of The Light's Bane is fucking great.

Definitely gonna second Septic Flesh. Also maybe check out the first two by Rotting Christ.
I'm not a huge Black Metal fan either but I've come across a couple that are dark, technical and well produced. Try these:

Aeneon - Cendres et Sang

Drottnar - Welterwerk
uh, try
Aposepsy (self titled)
Pyaemia (Cerebral cereal)
Guillotined (souls eternally devoured)
Scalafrea (ophuichus)
victimizer (tales of loss & new found serenity)

these albums are great, & you may find what you're looking for.maybe