dead6skin6mask6 said:
i didnt read the whole article, or any of it, seeing that its so damn long. ill do that tomorrow
i figured metalheads would be more likely to read something. but i didn't figure in pure laziness. oh well.
here's a summary:
blair horstine had the best grades in her high school because she took almost all AP classes. she has an unspecified illness, so she only came to school for like 1 class, and did everything else at home. she was excused from gym. the best grade one could get there was an A+, which was equal to 4.33, less than her AP classes. she got extra time for all her tests, and never had more than one test per day. she also dropped classes that she had low grades in, for health reasons. because she had a lot of time, she did lots of volunteer work, contributed to a newspaper, and won many scholarships and awards. she got in to harvard.
because blair had the best gpa (for the reasons mentioned above), she was named valadictorian of the high school. the guy with the second best grades had to take gym, which dragged his grades down. in light of this, the district decided to make him co-valedictorian. when this happened, blair sued the school board, not only to make her sole valedictorian, but also for something like $2 million in damages.
now, it turns out that despite her "illness" she won a congressional award, which required 200 hours of physical activity. she jogged. in her high school, where she was excused from gym, there was only 75 hours of gym per year. she went on a senior trip to disney world. apparently this was ok for her illness. it also turns out that the articles she contributed to the newspaper were plagiarized. furthermore, her dad did most of the volunteer work for her.
so she's going to harvard. her brother went to harvard and is now going to harvard law school. her dad, the judge, is going to be a professor at harvard. and blair wants to be a lawyer.