this is one of those nights


Sep 12, 2002
where i can't sleep because i am so pissed off.

and this is one of those pissed off moods, where i am mad at like 10,000 things and not one is really tangible.

okay, i'm lying, probably more like 3 things and i know exactly what they are. but nothing i can do about them, eh?

i'm thinking of biting the side of my bookshelf.
the beautiful thing is that i went to sleep as soon as my finger typed the 'h' in geh

jake, i fear the number is one

avi, she disappeared, but nah

azal - --- - -- --- ----- --
the more nick spirals into the world of demons, regret, anger, insanity, and madness... the better his posts get.

maybe this is why my golden age just stays and stays and stays?