This is strange ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Lamb of God is completely kicking my ass ... the riffs on this last disc are just marvelous.
The singer took some spins to grow on me, but he is just fine.

Blood of the Scribe :kickass:
Truth. I couldn't believe how much ass they kicked when I finally heard them, very reminiscent of Vader.
this disc has in my opinion the perfect production ... this is the definitive production I like ... this one and the last Exo disc.
The new one reminds me of SOuth of Heaven at times.

DO you guys like their Original disc, NEw American Gospel? Its my fave, and I love the raw Steve Austin production on it as well.
NEw American Gospel is alot better than their last disc, which I couldnt get into. The one ofter NAG is also really good, but NAG is the best imho. They can really get you banging your head at times eh.
J. said:
y'all = you all

If Lamb of God is the Future of American "metal" (as many reviewers like to say), we're in trouble.

No shit ya'll = you all. :lol: sheesh:hypno:

Ya, even though they have headbanging moments, I dont listen to them much, if at all anymore and if they are indeed the future of american metal, we're FUCKED. how's that for a run-on sentence?
Future of metal? No way. All these so-called "future" bands like LoG and Killswitch are throwbacks to early-90's death metal, in some bastardized way bands like Carcass and Entombed are finally getting the recognition they so much deserved.

Normally I'm not into that stuff, but I Lamb of God are pretty damn solid so I dig 'em.
I'm never amazed at how oblivious critics are when they throw around "the future of..." to describe bands that are of the moment and with little chance of lasting influence...LOG, while miles ahead of mallcore, doesn't exactly strike me as being innovative...
One Inch Man said:
Future of metal?

Future of American metal. Bands like LoG, Mastodon, Shadows Fall, KSE,etc.

Fuck that. I'd rather concede to giving that title to the Hammers. Yes I said it. And tbh, I want to hear a full-length. :blush: