Thoughts on a few new releases . . .

One Inch Man said:
Mastodon is one name I always hear highly praised, but I have no idea what they sound like.
Same here. They're supporting Slayer+Slipknot so I will see them in 12 days...I'm looking forward to a surprise :)

Shadow's Fall I'm very hesitant about...people say they're kinda old school, but these are the same people who'd call Killswitch Engage Death or Thrash...basically people whose opinions I don't trust. To be honest, I'd be expecting something not to far removed from nu-metal if I listen to them. There's plenty of other stuff out there, so I'll happily skip SF for the time being.
Shadows Fall isn't evey close to nu metal, but they aren't exactly "old school" in their sound. They are more "old school" with the way they wear their influences on their sleeve. It's almost like they want all theses youngsters that listen to them to get into all the 80's metal that they are so eager to mimick at times.

As for Mastodon . . . both Remision and Leviathan are two of the best albums of the last five years.

Anodyne is a band that is sort of like the most pissed and angry parts of Mastodon. You guys should really give them a chance.

On a side note, I got a CM sampler with a song from the new The Haunted. IT SUCKS SO BAD!!! I could hardly recognize the band. We're talking an In Flames transformation here. I haven't heard 'One Kill Wonder', but the new song sound ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like 'Made Me Do It'. What a major disappointment.
Shame, as I was really looking forward to The Haunted with Dolving again, as their debut is absolutly fantabulis OMG. I will not be getting the new Haunted album based on the one song I heard + early reports of "evolving" + One Kill WOnder being a slimy turd.

I'll still with the classic debut.
I don't like to go off just one song, but the song I heard was simply TERRIBLE. I can't comprehend what they're thinking. I always thought The Haunted would be sort of like Slayer . . . sticking to their guns no matter what.
OK. I'm listening to The Haunted "All Agains All" again, and it sort of reminds me of something off 'Clayman'. The riffs aren't anything to brag about, and they use a lot of chord progressions . . . and then you get to the soulful clean vocals . . . followed by the GAY guitar solo. Jeez what did CM do to these guys.
Doomcifer said:
I dont think Slayer "stuck to their guns" with God Hates Us All, do you? ;)
Actually, I do. I think GHUA and Divine Intervention are fairly consistent, and both were predominantly written by Kerry K. I like the stuff that Jeff H. writes much better. Kerry's stuff has too much of a punk influence.
Today's lesson in comparative listening:

Seasons in the Abyss > Divine Intervention > other Slayer >>>>>>>>>>>> GHUA = Diabolus in Musica

500 words or less on why Slayer rules due Monday, have a nice weekend.
I still don't know why Slayer fans dislike Divine Intervention and I probably never will. That main verse riff in Fictional Reality? GENIUS!

I like Divine better than Reign in Blood, but obviously the latter is a more important album. Hell Awaits is my least favorite besides those latest two.
I like Diabolus much, muchbetter than GHUA and Divine Intervention. Like I said, I think it has more to do w/ who was writing the songs than w/ a planned shift in style.
Their similar sounding albums are probably SoH, SitA, and DiM--all were mostly written by Jeff H.
It's spelled Pianist. And yes, I do. Llistened to like 5 minutes of it and got bored, it's probably residing somewhere in my shower at this point.