This is the most random yet hilarious Immortal video made...

I wonder what Immortal was thinking when they did the Call Of The Wintermoon video though. I doubt they were taking themselves seriously.

Manowar could have dressed like The Village People for all I care, they still kicked loads of ass.
Manowar could probably even make emo look manly, not that I would want to see them try that. Their oiled up loincloth look was much straighter than emo.
I just can't get into bands that rely on gimmicks like face paint. Immortal cracks me up, although I will admit I like some of their songs... :rolleyes:
oh is this "kind diamond"

ok i know who he is but, i just don't get it, they could of not made them look like sad puppies, makes me think they are the emo of black metal or something. makes me wanna shed a tear, when they are onstage they don't look like they wanna be up there, forced under there own will, *shrugs*
This is one of my favorite Immortal songs, from Battles In The North album (Blashyrkh Mighty Ravendark)
Yes, the name of the song is retarded, and Abbath sounds like Popeye on the album, but the music is great

Of their albums, I would pretty much stay away from Blizzard Beasts, and I would get Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism last.

say what you will about their image, the music is fucking amazing and undeniable
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It just shows that they don't take their image too seriously, as no one should.

Unless you're Mr. Rogers. He was the most flawless person, ever, child molester jokes notwithstanding.
Why did he always wink when he asked his audience if they wanted to be his neighbor?

If anyone was pedo, it was the mailman. Mr. McFeely. More like Mr. McFeeling Children
i think immortal is a joke band. That is how i view their music, lyrics, and especially videos.

IMO Immortal is the only black metal band that doesn't have any Satan in their lyrics like most of the black metal bands ... I think that in the black metal music Immortal is the best one