this is weird, right?


Aug 2, 2002
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the director of our department (AKA, the moron) posted job listings for OTHER AGENCIES on our bulletin board. like, wtg?
i seriously just think she's nuts.
i went up to it with a black magic marker and wrote a little sign that said "WANT TO QUIT?" with an arrow pointing to them.
i of course did this in a very anonymous and stealth-like manner.
everyone that walks by starts laughing/mumbling. it's also funny b/c psycho moron is out today so it'll sit there all day.
maybe she just hates everybody there and wants to hire people who will kiss her ass and make her look good?

at my last job, there were a lot of dumb people and they would constantly hire more stupid people in attempts to make themselves look better. you are messing up her relative image.
she definitely is driving people out but i never thought she'd take such an obvious route as to post job offers at OTHER places.