This is where it began?


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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Everyone got into guitar metal somehow...
This are my fav non metal songs that got me into the path of finding metal

1. Vernon Reid "Fishbone" (blackflowers, fight the youth, everyday sunshine)
2. Billy Gibons (ZZ rules still)
3.Gary Moore (name it)
well heard some punk before... then SOAD coz they were amazing live (now sux) then "real" metal
Black Sabbath - All of Paranoid. My dad used to play it when I was about 5 and It was awesome, and I listen to them

Then when I was 13ish I picked up Ozzy, then Metallica, then now its like Bodom, Norther, Ensiferum, Sonata Arctica and blah.
^Word, thats tr00, all single pedal, heel toe heel toe, on and on and, DIE!!11
Dave Grohl was the only guy really talented basically. I did listen a lot to Nirvana when I was young along with Smashing Pumpkins (along with some cheesy punk bands from California and Sweden ; NOFX, No Use For A Name, Adhesive and Venerea etc... They were not that bad back then).

I liked some good guitar work.. and was unconsciously unsatisfied I guess.

Then I heard albums like Master Of Puppets, ...And Justice For All and Cowboys From Hell, A Vulgar Display Of Power. Those were my real first heroin fixes of metal. Then got into some Megadeth and Maiden a little later.

Then got into the Melodeath/Gothenburg/European Power sound when the new millenium came, Slaughter Of The Soul, The Jester Race, Hatebreeder, Ecliptica.

I know you don't give a flying fuck motherfuckers... but I had great memories writing this. Not that I'm very old, anyway. :p
It was Metallica back in '97,when I came home from school one day. My mom said that Metallica was doing a free show in the Corestates Arena parking lot, so we rushed there, and got in before they closed the gates.

I think I first started listening to stuff like Satriani and Vai..

Guitar is really what got me into metal, when my friend first bought jester (completely randomly) the harmonizing and gothenburg sound got me hooked. Since then i've listened to a lot of metal music... as long as it has intense guitar playing.