this isnt good lol

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
i have a project due tomorrow for US History I, on a member of the House of Representatives from my location in NJ... and I FUCKING FORGOT MY NOTEBOOK IN MY LOCKER! i found the website, but i dont have the info on what the 5 paragraphs are supposed to be on, and nobody from my class is online *falls over*
True, i dont want to get a bad grade on anything, i dont want to fail... anyways...
Philo - only person from my class thats on my buddy list came on.... and he doesnt have his notebook either, so im just doin it as:
1 - Intro
2 - 4 - Reasons
5 - Closing

seems reasonable :)
yeh thats better than what i used to do back in high school in that situation. which was say 'fuck it' becuase i didnt want to chance writing a paper completely wrong and gettin no points anyways. yeh i was lazy.