This just got released, figured some of you guys might dig it!


Captain Midnight
Sep 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
Hey everyone, I just finished this job off and it was released last week.

The band is called The Moment We Fall and this is their first release, I'd say its fairly derivative of their influences but they are quite young and I think the kids write a good song! Give them a listen if you're into bands like We Came As Romans, Dream on Dreamer or Prada.

This is the first job I got to use SSD4 on and I must say the difference in realism is absolutely fantastic. Let me know what you think!

Might want to watch it in HD, not to sure how they uploaded it.
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any info on the guitar setup/chain/plugins?
reminds me of an improved old attack atttack tone.
sounds really good though man : )
Thanks for the kind words man :)

Ah its just old mate podfarm, we originally tracked through our 5150 and it sounded great but just didn't sit in the mix.

Chain was ESP Eclipse with two EMG81's > Avalon U5 DI > Pod with the usual settings.

Heaps of post processing though
VCC 4k emulation
probably 3 instances of Equality doing subtractive EQ
VCC Neve emulation
Little bit of stereo widening (forget which plugin, probably s1)

Nothing to out of the ordinary except for the fact there was a lot of EQ going on as I sort of shaped the guitars around the bass guitar and the Eclipse is really strong between 300 and 600Hz which cause a few difficulties.