This mix is missing something...but i can't figure out what.

try to addd more lo-end to the base drum, and maybe put it higher on the mix. i think the guitars are too bassy, boomy, will suggest giving them sime more high mids, to fill up the space between the Overheads and snare, and lowering the bass guitar a bit.
I think the problem is that the entire mix is panned center/mono. No room for the individual instruments. Do you happen to have double takes of the guitars? Maybe you could spread them out, that would give the rest a bit of room. Not sure what to do about those overheads though.

PS: this should probably be in Rate My Mix
The whole mix is in mono, that could be one of the main problems.

Also, the drums are kind of... bad. I can't really hear the kick too much, and the snare sounds pretty bad (a little ringy).
The whole mix is in mono, that could be one of the main problems.

Also, the drums are kind of... bad. I can't really hear the kick too much, and the snare sounds pretty bad (a little ringy).

It wasn't mono...might've messed something up when i rendered it. The drums are budgeted. I might have too much reverb on the snare. and idk about the kick. I might just re-record drums since these guys record their shit really tight.
Sounds like a high gain strat. Very sloppy, too much low end information, and is still in mono. Spread your overheads, assuming you used a spaced pair. Also, there's no close mic of your snare. Your drummer doesn't seem to be hitting it very hard, either.that hollowness feels like a want for a bigger soundstage.