This month's GUITAR WORLD - power metal!


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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I just got the new GUITAR WORLD in the mail today and it is a great issue. There is a special on POWER METAL!!!! The write up features tons of great bands like Symphony X, Dream Evil, Hammerfall (my favorite of the bunch), and the like!! Great to see that the bands are getting some attention! Who knows, maybe it's people like US that are keeping it alive and growing. Also noteworthy is the BILLY GIBBONS bit (DID YOU SEE THAT, SWINE?!?!) and the very nice article on MICK MARS!!!!!!! I was surprised to see the Mars interview take up as many pages as it did! I don't think in all my years of being a Motley fan that I've seen Mick have so much to say...great stuff! PICK IT UP!
tedvanfrehley said:
tons of great bands like Symphony X, Dream Evil, Hammerfall (my favorite of the bunch), and the like!!

Ain't world crazy? I thought we had no much in common and here I found you like Hammerfall :lol:

If you want to spend some fo your hard earned dollars, The End already have the new album in stock I ordered yesterday. :D

I'm not maze that Guitar World look upon power bands, especially European ones a lot of good guitar players dwell in them. Maybe their technique, riffing and soloing is not as the heroes we worship from our youth but surely they can play.
I knew it!
I told you waaay back that I had a feeling 2005 would be a great year for metal, it is starting very slowly though. And I said that back in 02/03
Yep, this is going to be one killer year for metal. I just hope there will be no more tragedies. I had it with the dead of some my favorite artists!
tedvanfrehley said:
Oh yeah. I'm more than just glam/pop metal and country music, ya know! Not MUCH more, granted....but more! haha

Speaking of which TED HAVE YOU HEARD "Pink Cream 69 -Thunderdome" ??????????????????????????? I think you will eat it right up and now that they seem to have a deal with SPV you should beable to find it at your local Music store for about 13 bucks!!!! I think you will Really dig it! ...

as for the Topic:

its about fucking time!!!!! Power Metal is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Overlooked in America!
tedvanfrehley said:
Oh yeah. I'm more than just glam/pop metal and country music, ya know! Not MUCH more, granted....but more! haha

You might like Edguy and Stratovarius if you like Hammerfall. As JD said, PC69 might be up your alley as well. The song "Hunting High and Low" by Stratovarius is addictive. It is a pure cheese sing-a-long anthem, but I bet even some death-metal fans listen to it in their closet.

I just got my issue and it's kick ass. A few things to note:

1) I have a TON more respect for Mick Mars after reading that interview. The guys has the balls to say openly that he sold his soul by playing glam metal so he could live a life playing music, even though his true love musically is the blues. I also feel pretty shitty that he is afflicted with the disease he has - nobody should have to endure that. A very good interview indeed.

2) The Power Metal article was very good. I think it's great that Power metal is getting the recognition it deserves, even though they mentioned a few cheesy bands (in my opinion). My only criticism(s) of the article was that it took sort of a negative tone towards Thrash and Death Metal. All those genres are just as important as Power Metal...I just got the impression that there was some resentment for Thrash "daring" to get as big as it got in the 80's, and towards both Death and Thrash Metal for dealing with darker sugject matter in their songs. My only statement to that is that there's dark and light in the world. The only other criticism I have is about some of the comments made regarding American fans and how they are apparently MTV zombies who like whatever is played on that channel or whatever the record industry wants them to like. That couldn't be further from the truth. I will agree - there are noticible differences between the music scenes in Europe and the US, but to say that American fans like whatever is force-fed to them is completely ignorant. There are of course the fad-heads who like whatever is popular, but I honestly believe that US metal fans are just as discerning and appreciate really good metal when they hear it...not whatever garbage is currently popular and running on Headbanger's Ball.

SUPER edition of Guitar World...I just thought I would give some respect and props to the US fans...I didn't appreciate all of us being lumped into a pile of mindless jackasses who listen to whatever we're given...definitely not true. We're all part of the same Metal family, regardless of what genre(s) within Metal we are passionate about or where we are from.

Metal Rules

I have to admit at first I didn't like a lot of modern power metal. But a friend of mine
who is really into metal got me into listening to some of those bands I bought a Vhaledemar cd recently I dug it! And at the end of this week Im picking up the latest
Rhapsody cd simply the fact is Im a huge Christopher Lee fan I love his movies and
I heard a lot of good things about this Italian metal band!
USMC0341 said:
cheesy bands (in my opinion). My only criticism(s) of the article was that it took sort of a negative tone towards Thrash and Death Metal. All those genres are just as important as Power Metal...I just got the impression that there was some resentment for Thrash "daring" to get as big as it got in the 80's, and towards both Death and Thrash Metal for dealing with darker sugject matter in their songs.

I think is plain revenge. Usually hard-hearted Thrash/Death/Black fans hate power and especially Europower, thus they coined the flower metal term to despectively put down bands that are happy and/or cheesy in their musical proposal.

I have dealt a lot with some typecasters in forums and they got into your nerves after a while, so I guess the writer of the article wanted his/her pound of flesh in return.

Frankly I don't see a problem playing Hammerfall, Coroner and The Flower Kings back to back.
Wyvern said:
I think is plain revenge. Usually hard-hearted Thrash/Death/Black fans hate power and especially Europower, thus they coined the flower metal term to despectively put down bands that are happy and/or cheesy in their musical proposal.

I have dealt a lot with some typecasters in forums and they got into your nerves after a while, so I guess the writer of the article wanted his/her pound of flesh in return.

Frankly I don't see a problem playing Hammerfall, Coroner and The Flower Kings back to back.

Actually my dream festival would feature only thrash, power, thrash ,power etc. back to back.
Wyvern said:
I think is plain revenge. Usually hard-hearted Thrash/Death/Black fans hate power and especially Europower, thus they coined the flower metal term to despectively put down bands that are happy and/or cheesy in their musical proposal.

I have dealt a lot with some typecasters in forums and they got into your nerves after a while, so I guess the writer of the article wanted his/her pound of flesh in return.

Frankly I don't see a problem playing Hammerfall, Coroner and The Flower Kings back to back.

I could see that point - I only meant that by generalizing back the other way is just perpetuating the cycle. I honestly can't see how someone wouldn't like really good Power Metal...but I guess I am biased being raised in the early days on Priest and Maiden. True - there are pretenders, but that's the case in EVERY genre. For every cheesy Power Metal band, I can name a cheesy Thrash band, a cheesy Death band etc. It's all relative.

I'm glad Power is gaining some more recognition and getting more press coverage. Truly deserved and Metal as a whole will be a better community for it.

JB :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I like Power Metal Its Heavy Yet you dont get screamed at for 45 mins straight ... I could make a list a mile long of Bad Power Metal Bands but I try not to dwell on the Bad ones Particularly since there are so many good ones out there that dont follow the Helloween Pattern ... Morgana Lefay,Tad Morose, and Brainstorm come right to mind ... and then theres Edguy they have the Singsongy choruses but they are kinda like the Anti-Power Metal Band in the sense that unlike alot of German PM bands they dont take themselves SO seriously it isnt all about Swords and Kings and shit ... you would Laugh your ass off at some of the Lyrics ... like the Song "Save us Now" ... Something about a Killer Drumbunny thingy .. its a totally Serious sounding PM song till you read the lyrics and thats why I love that band .... right now we are living in one of the Best times for metal some may not agree others will ... shit I forgot where I was going with that
USMC0341 said:
The only other criticism I have is about some of the comments made regarding American fans and how they are apparently MTV zombies who like whatever is played on that channel or whatever the record industry wants them to like. That couldn't be further from the truth. I will agree - there are noticible differences between the music scenes in Europe and the US, but to say that American fans like whatever is force-fed to them is completely ignorant. There are of course the fad-heads who like whatever is popular, but I honestly believe that US metal fans are just as discerning and appreciate really good metal when they hear it...not whatever garbage is currently popular and running on Headbanger's Ball.
Sorry Marine, but I must respectfully disagree with you there. The majority of American music fans do tend to be mindless sheep who follow wherever the industry leads them (fad-heads as you called them). Baaah. Maybe you and I aren't an MTV zombies. Maybe our friends aren't MTV zombies. Certainly nobody here on these boards are MTV zombies. But the majority of the U.S.? Zombies. Even the metalheads. How else do you describe the incredible popularity of Limp Biskit and Linkin Park?

I meet a lot of people, especially during the summer months when I'm trying to promote my book(s). Anyone who even remotely looks like a metalhead, I quiz on who their favorite bands are. Inevitably I end up with the same grouping of bands, all who are (or used to be) prominent on MTV: Limp Biskit, Linkin Park, Rob Zombie, NIN, Godsmack, etc. (not saying all these bands suck, just saying it's the same list over and over). These people I quiz wouldn't know a killer underground metal band if Tad Morose came up and bit them on the ass.

Although it irks me that most Americans have no knowledge beyond what MTV and the radio feeds them, I also can't fault them. We are a media driven society here in America, much more so than other areas of the world. As a whole, Americans don't know any better. The only American music fans who get exposure to quality metal bands are the ones who take the initiative and do the needed research through metal magazines and the Internet (two mediums who aren't ruled by the iron fist of the American music industry).

Nothing has changed since I was a teenager and first getting into metal back in the early 80s. I never was one to follow along with the herd, so I always did my research through magazines like Hit Parader and Kerrang!. I was listening to bands like Warlord and Fates Warning and Demon while all those around me were playing the same albums over and over: AC/DC, Def Leppard, Ratt, Motley Crue, etc, etc. I liked all these bands when I first heard them. But they were so over exposed from radio, MTV, and the local party scene that I just couldn't stomach them anymore.

I have a prime example: Back in '82 I was reading a copy of Hit Parader magazine which featured a section called "Who to watch for" or something like that. It featured new bands who were still in the demo stage but showed much potential. I read about a band called Ratt and I went out and bought their six-song EP. My friends and I all got into was our favorite party tape! I kept an eye out for their first full album, Out of the Cellar, and bought it the week it came out. Again, my friends and I were totally into it. We would take it to parties and tell the host, "here, put this killer new band into the stereo". The vast majority of our party crowd (included cowboys, jocks, stoners, eggheads, a very diverse group) simply wrinkled their noses at our offering. "I don't like it," they'd say. "I'd rather hear Back in Black or High and Dry" (for the hundredth time) another would say.

Finally, my friends and I just gave up and kept Ratt to ourselves. Well, six months later, Ratt was plastered all over MTV and both our local rock stations were playing Round and Round at least five times per day. Suddenly, every party we went to they were playing Out of the Cellar; the very same album we made them listen to before and they said they didn't like it!

So, you see my point? There are MANY out there (the vast majority by my observations) who will only like a band if it is popular to do so. They must first get the blessing from their friends, the local dj, or MTV before they can outwardly join a band's fanbase and buy their music. Those of us who are "in the know" of quality underground metal bands are few and far between when compared to the masses.

Obviously there are those who will disagree, but this is my belief based on 24 years of being a metal (and music in general) fan and watching others around me.
Wyvern said:
If you want to spend some fo your hard earned dollars, The End already have the new album in stock I ordered yesterday. :D

About freakin' time! I gotta go order my copy :headbang: