This section on UM is composed of douchebags.


Malignant Anguish
May 5, 2008
why are there so many 'rag on thin flaemz' threads? I have to say, out of all the music In Flames made, A LOT of it was pretty damn good.
They were like the 'protest the hero' of last decade.
By posting this thread you do realise you've pretty much placed yourself under the category you accuse others of being a part of?

Nice way to generalise and create a completely worthless topic.

And Protest the Hero suck.

Thanks for stopping by...
Wow, you're one to talk. I highly doubt you've given Protest half a chance. Protest uses one of the best styles of music I've ever heard, and it would certainly be a change for the better if it crossed into "metal".
Wow, really, you don't gotta be a jerk. To either of the sides here.
Yes, there are In Flames haters, just like with every band. And yes, it wasn't the most useful post. So everybody wins :p
Protest the Hero is really mediocre. IF's last couple are decent, but no where near as good as the old stuff. IF haters are just as bad as IF fanboys. I agree that this forum is really bad in that it gets really, really hostile.