This song...


Apr 20, 2009
I have some questions about this song:

1. What feeling do you get after listening to this song?
2. When would you listen to this track? (like on a normal basis when lets say you're happy or if you are going through a breakup?)
3. Wouldn't it be weird if a metalhead guy (that likes Amon Amarth, Nevermore, Opeth, Hypocricy etc) listened to this song outta the blue?
4. What does this song talk about?

Thanks in advance
MoonlightOrchid \m/
1. Desolation

2. This is a late night track. I wouldn't associate it with happiness or sadness, really. Be a good track for driving around the city real late at night.

3. People should listen to what they want to when they want to regardless of the style. If people judge you because you listen to Amon Amarth then pop this on they should take it upon themselves to fuck off.

4. Dunno I didn't look up the lyrics. Do you need to know? I just go where it takes me.