This Thread Bears Testament To


Words to live by
Mar 10, 2002
Where TheNewChupe lives
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This is to bear testament to the novel, ironic wit of our beloved poster xfer, who to it upon himself to teach the rest of the Ultimate Metal forum members the reality regarding signatures.
Taking the intelligent route of the contrarian, xfer made evident using shrewed and sophisiticated humour what we have long suspected: that, yes, it is annoying to have to scroll past metres of sig text in order to get to next message, and yes, it is doubly so annoying when the sig is composed of multiple animated gifs which depict cutesy animals acting all cutesy-like.
Our venerable protagonist took this one step further in his portrayal of the common UM poster, adding a link to an mp3 using the oft-printed, "Download/listen to my mp3s/music!!!/!!1" He furthered the sheer irony of the whole enterprise by adding a thoughtful quote at the end of his sig as many depressive goth-types who haunt the UM forums are wont to do. And finally, to seal his supremacy in the field of sigs, xfer broke the taboo, and added the two words that strike fear in the heart of every board browser, whether poster or lurker - the dreaded "sup slutz!"

This, then, is the masterpiece he has bestowed upon this forum:

Download my mp3s!"]Listen Here![/url]







"It's not the size of the pencil, it's how you sign your name" - Dave Mustaine

Now let other board-members praise the noble effort of this fine poster, so that the work might finally be laid to rest (please!) in all of the glory that such an undertaking deserves.
you know, i totally forgot about the signature, since i've long since shut my sigs off. if, hypothetically, i had to log out, and log back in, for some reason, repeatedly, every day, then it would piss me off, though.