this tsunami stuff is totally sad

also, only 18% of the people polled on say they've given any $$ to disaster relief. i love how everyone assumes everyone else will just take care of it.
For some reason I'm really sad about the Nasum singer's situation. They still don't know if he's alive or dead, which is better than certain death, I suppose. This is bumming me out a lot more than any other musician deaths that I can think of. I've been playing the new Nasum album on repeat for the past hour and a half.,2789,583581,00.html


"A dead moose may save lives in South East Asia. The hunting team in Långned outside of Nordmaling auctioned the moose they'd shot on new years eve. The hunter bought it himself for 5500 kr which will go directly to the catastrophe help. "We encourage other hunters to do the same" says the hunter. They got the idea thursday night and gathered the team on new years eve. One hour later a 200 kg moose had been killed."
my point was, LEADERS across the world cut short their own vacations, stepped forward immediately, and took the point in terms of pledging aid and assistance. Our own "leader" waited four days, pledged a pittance, and then was humiliated by his poor example into doing much more. It's all very well to strut and preen and tell the world you are the moral compass; but when the test is applied, Bush continually fails.

and I freely admit, at this point, Bush could rush into a burning building and save three blind orphans and a newborn litter of kittens, and I'd probably still bitch.
My understanding is that the US--government and citizens--is pretty much owning every other nation (and the UN) in terms of aid right now? I saw something about how customers alone dwarfed the aid that many EU countries gave.

The government of Mozambique sent a token sum of like $100,000. They're one of the poorest countries in the world, so that's pretty sizable.

My conservative friends are pushing for everyone to donate. Not because they care so much about the victims, but because they are eager to see the UN and EU and Canada overwhelmed and humiliated by the American aid.
I guess I missed a lot of the news cycle while I was travelling around the Northeast. I do find it hard to believe that the US planned to stiff the tsunami victims (and lose this easy opportunity to score political points). I do remember seeing the first news ticker that was like EU PLEDGES $4MIL....AUSTRALIA PLEDGES $10MIL....US PLEDGES $100,000...and laughing. Even though that was clearly not the final figure, it was humorous.