This world needs this man now more than ever.

I saw a book at Hastings called What Would Bill Hicks Say?, or some such nonsense. It simply has a ton of modern comedians commenting on present popular culture and politics by imitating what they believe Bill Hicks would say about them. This premise disgusts me to no end, and after having read some of it, I am sure Bill Hicks would have killed himself on the spot if such a thing was released while he was alive.
Yep, it's ironic that they didn't consider what Bill Hicks would have said to the entire concept.

Bill was a tragically flawed dreamer, a man and spirit I can empathise with, I love him dearly. AND I'm done with the gayness. :)
Bill Hicks should be taught in school so every pathetic, apathetic trendwhore can at least see a glimpse of the real world and what true Rebellion is all about.

His work should be manatory for everyone to watch -whether you agree or disagree.

But I was discussing this with a friend on New Year's and he maintains that if Bill Hicks were alive today, he would either retire or kill himself because of 1: the censorship and lack of political descent in America (and the World at large) today, 2: he would just be using all the same jokes from the 80's about Regan and Bush and 3: it would be the only valid form of protest left to him.

I think Tool said it best: "Bill Hicks is merely another dead hero".
Now that is a true tribute to the man.

Now, if you would excuse me, I need to go find his DVD and his CDs.
Bill Hicks should be taught in school so every pathetic, apathetic trendwhore can at least see a glimpse of the real world and what true Rebellion is all about.

His work should be manatory for everyone to watch -whether you agree or disagree.

But I was discussing this with a friend on New Year's and he maintains that if Bill Hicks were alive today, he would either retire or kill himself because of 1: the censorship and lack of political descent in America (and the World at large) today, 2: he would just be using all the same jokes from the 80's about Regan and Bush and 3: it would be the only valid form of protest left to him.

I think Tool said it best: "Bill Hicks is merely another dead hero".
Now that is a true tribute to the man.

Now, if you would excuse me, I need to go find his DVD and his CDs.

The esoteric nature of Bill and his message are part of the power. Also, I think he'd be the same cynical dreamer he'd always been, regardless of era.
no doubt - one of the greatest comedic minds ever! I heard a few bootlegs of some of his last shows where he wasn't even telling jokes anymore - just going up on stage and ranting and it was chilling to hear him mirror all the opinions I have on life, drugs, music, the gov't. etc - every generation needs a voice like his to point out that were not all lemmings just filing into the meatgrinder of the status quo and politically correct

R.I.P. brother - your legacy lives on