This year's Paris fashions :yuk:


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
WARNING: This article contains hippy trendy bolshevik propaganda. Try not to read this without a proper disposal unit for any vomiting that might occur.

"The masculine ideal is being completely modified. All the traditional male values of authority, infallibility, virility and strength are being completely overturned," said Pierre Francois Le Louet, the agency's managing director.

Instead today's males are turning more towards "creativity, sensitivity and multiplicity," as seen already in recent seasons on the catwalks of Paris and Milan.

Arnold Schwarznegger and Sylvester Stallone are being replaced by the 21st-century man who "no longer wants to be the family super-hero", but instead has the guts to be himself, to test his own limits.

"We are watching the birth of a hybrid man. ... Why not put on a pink-flowered shirt and try out a partner-swapping club?" asked Le Louet.

I had a very violent response to each sentence in this article, but actually I can sum it up right here:


reidie said:
metrosexuality = Gay, let their be no grey areas, if you wear pink you crave the cock

NO fucking shit. I went to grab some Polo shirts. I was ready to fork out the 80 bucks a shirt ( building my post military wardrobe) until I actually saw the shirts. What..the..fuck. Neon greens, pinks, purples. Total gayness. Even worse, I saw these two fags at a restaurant, one was wearing some white linen capri pants and a pink shirt. He was hitting on girls, but to me and my friends he screamed cockwhore.

And on fashion shows, have you ever seen anyone wear that shit? Besides someone who makes millions of dollars and doesnt mind looking like a retard?

I personally prefer the beach bum / golf look. Since I live on the beach and play golf, it works out rather well.
The greatest thing the French has done for years was declining the fucking European Constitution this May, bless the French and the Dutch.
johnnieCzech said:
The greatest thing the French has done for years was declining the fucking European Constitution this May, bless the French and the Dutch.

fuck the french and kill the dutch!

j/k. The EU thingy is getting kind of weird. One massive socialist corporation. Just make sure you guys dont let Turkey in!
Well, they might as well let them Turks in. Malmö is totally muthafucked, as well as Bielefeld and every other city.

And now those faggits on the Paris runways are wearing Louis XVI hosieries and Ottoman pantaloons, so they're all set for the new Turkish invasion.

I was at a party last week, and these three chicks were dancing and doing the nastiest sort of bump-n-grindin with these two gay guys. At least, everyone said they were freaking flaming faggits, and indeed they looked like paunchy cocksuckers.

But these chicks refused to do the same nasty shit with the regular normal guys!

What, did they think they were SAFE with a faggit, as though a faggit wouldn't molest them or be attracted by their outrageous sensual behaviour?

Haven't those bitches ever heard of the bisexual, damned purveyors of AIDS to the straight crowd?

Or what about straights in faggit-disguise? Sexual Harassment bullshit may've forced the best of us to go undercover.

Made me want to don the flowery shirt and shout "Sssssuper fab party girls n gals!" and have them rubbing all over my crotch, all while they think its been disabled.

Fuckin A.

Evil Dead said:
Just make sure you guys dont let Turkey in!

We will see what happens after the next German elections. If CDU/CSU (the Conservatives) win - what probably will be the case as the Socialists are totally on the decline - I guess it will get much harder for the Turks.
gaschamber said:
well this thread lost its flava after people were done makin fun of fags and metros, thats the only thing about this board i hate, EVERYTHING falls back to politics, instead on dwelling on more important topics, such as fag bashing, and murdering muslims, and rolos of course.

Fags are Gay, Im killing muslims next week, hooah for rolos:headbang:

back on track.
I FUCKING hate them Turkish mother fucks...Asian Muslim fucks when they want,European wana b's......Thank fuck I live on a island NONE of the cunts can swim ,can thay?? even god hates them thats why its so fucking hot there he likes a roast...


Jurched said:
Well, they might as well let them Turks in. Malmö is totally muthafucked, as well as Bielefeld and every other city.

And now those faggits on the Paris runways are wearing Louis XVI hosieries and Ottoman pantaloons, so they're all set for the new Turkish invasion.

johnnieCzech said:
The greatest thing the French has done for years was declining the fucking European Constitution this May, bless the French and the Dutch.

Yeah and now every fucking president and prime minister is bitching about us voters for "not being able to understand all the good things the constitution would have done for you, fuckers"!

Next election I´m gonna write "we are the borg resistance is futile" on my note.
Arg_Hamster said:
Yeah and now every fucking president and prime minister is bitching about us voters for "not being able to understand all the good things the constitution would have done for you, fuckers"!

Next election I´m gonna write "we are the borg resistance is futile" on my note.

EXACTLY!!! :worship:
Now THAT´s democracy, isn´t it?:loco:
gaschamber said:
well this thread lost its flava after people were done makin fun of fags and metros, thats the only thing about this board i hate, EVERYTHING falls back to politics, instead on dwelling on more important topics, such as fag bashing, and murdering muslims, and rolos of course.

Put me in charge of next year's Paris fashion show.

"Now strutting his stuff down the runway, we have Abdul exploring his martyr-side with the Versace-inspired Hamas sprinting suicide jacket. Abdul is adorable with the 30-sticks of dynamite in red with gold-tip charges and copper wiring. This summer, eeeeveryone in Gaza and Hebron will be wanting blow themselves to Hell in this little number!"

At this point, our sweet Abdul turns at the end of the catwalk, and blows himself and the entire room of 430 faggits and fag-hag journalists to little pieces.


Hey, you know you can count on me to keep the joy of recreational Moslem murdering alive! Time to introduce "Death by Rolos" at Gitmo, courtesy of Nestle and Rumsfeld. Pork-flavoured Rolos, of course!

