Those of you with a 5150. Need some guiding...


knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
So I'm still working on my 5150 tone...again :loco:

Can you give me some settings where I should start?
I just got my Maxon 808 last week and the amp sounds a lot smoother
since, didn't expect such a difference.

However, if recording the green channel:

- High gain or low gain input?
- Bright on/off? Crunch on/off?
- TS settings?

I have these settings:

High gain input.
Green channel.
Crunch on. Bright on.
Pre gain: 4
Bass: 8
Mids: 2
Treble: 7
Post gain: 5
Presence: 8
Resonance: 8

Overdrive: 10 o'clock
Balance: MAX
Tone: MAX

Are these "good" settings to start?

It sounds thick in the room. But the lows are a lil boomy all around.
Should I have less post gain and crank the overdrive on the TS?
It sounds alot thinner and fizzier when I do that...

Another thing:
Should the cab be right on the floor or do you have wheels below it?
Cab is a 4x12 ENGL cab with V60s.

Last but not least I should mention that I try to record in our rehearsal room which is only like 20 square meters big. And full of stuff (3 drumkits, crapload of amps and cabs...)

The question is: Are there any FATAL settings you see above?
I know, I know, just set it like it sounds good. But my ears are still not very trained and I believe that I'm not yet that experienced to be on the right track...
If I recall correctly on the Green Channel you should have the Pre Gain a little Higher, like a 6-7. A tad less Bass and a Tad less Treble than what you listed. Mids sound about right.

High Gain Input. Usually Bright in. Guessing Crunch in too.

Then turn the OD808 down. Drive basically pointing straight to the left around 9 o'clock, and the Tone and Outputs pointing straight up around 11 and 12 o'clock.

Most Post gain past 4 doesnt sound too great.

These settings are all over the place when you search for them.
I'd back off the tone on the TS. Get it sitting around noon. Have the 'drive' at around 9 o'clock MAX. Most people keep it zeroed and just use the level to drive the amp harder. Watch out with cranking the level knob too hard though as your tone can come out sounding overcompressed and mushy.

With the amp, it really depends on your particular guitar and playing style. I can't give you any settings that would outright work with your playing style and instrument.