Is there any value to those innumerable 50 best, 100-best, cornucopia of lists that has infected out society over the last couple of years? You know the lists:100 best books, 100 hottest women, 100 best metal songs as chosen by the ever-so repudable and metal VH-1 staff, 50 places you have to see before you die, 25 top movie quotes, 10 things to do in Muncie Indiana, 9 top ways to lose weight for summer without foregoing pop, pizza and pretzels, and 3 ways to acheive an orgasm type of lists.
Is there a reason why we have so many lists these days? Is it a sign the petit bourgeois masses have finally claimed ultimate victory over taste and culture? Is it but a marketing scheme to take our minds off the lists of dead in Iraq? Or perhaps, do the lists accurately objectivize music, sports plays, and the sexual attractiveness of airbrushed tarts?
And while I'm attacking lists, how about polls? Does that guy or gal who calls at 6pm every night with a promise he needs but a minute of your time, really helping society with the data he is gathering? And lets not forget polls and politics! THey go hand in hand these days. There's nothing more democratic than candidates pandering to poll opinions on such important matters as gay marriage, prayer in schools, and prescriptions for senile seniors.
Down with polls and lists I say!