Thought I'd sing one! (Angry Videogame Nerd cover)

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey all,

It's been fucking ages since I've posted anything on here... been busy with lots of work, just haven't been able to give anything out..

....anyway, got a break from the grind & did this as a joke cover.

My take on the "Angry Videogame Nerd" theme.... I Had Russ from Assassinate the Following play drums but the rest is me, including the vocals! (Haven't sung on anything in about 10 years, so be merciful!)

Anyway, bring your sense of humor!
Here's the link:

And yes, the inspiration for the cover:

As always, comments & questions are appreciated!

Yes, I did actually. I'm pretty fucking rusty though. However, I've quit smoking for 7 months & that has made it easier.

Here's a shot from the early 90's, back when I used to front a band.


The vocal chain was an SM7 into a Great River MP2NV & Distressor in Opto mode.
I sang backups and the "dumb motherfuckers" line.... There's no way I would have been able to pull off main vox on that one... I was nowhere near in shape enough. Besides, I think the guy who did sing it did a great job on his own.

As for the AVGN theme,

It's my first attempt at bus compression on the drums & I like it! ...really brings out the subtle things & give a nice overall "wash" to the cymbals.

On the snare itself, it's a 57 up top with a Stillwell Rocket spanking the living shit out of it.. something like a 20 microsecond attack & a fast release. Usually I go for a 30 millisecond attack, but this worked soooo much better.
...and on the bottom it's a C4 with a nice healthy 10k shelf.

The snare mics are also gated & the gate is controlled by a ddrum pro trigger shifted slightly forward in the timeline as per Mr. Sneap's idea.

Overheads are my Oktavamod Mc012's (Micheal Joly is a fucking genius!) and room mics are a U87 & Apex Ribbon in Mid-side stereo config, hit with a digimax limiter & mixed in under the main drum mix, then slammed with the Rocket on the drum buss.

I never even tried the Rocket until yesterday, thanks to ERMZ' thread on drum buss compressors & I must say, I'm impressed as all hell. The Rocket fucking rules!!! :headbang:
20 microsecond attack? What the hell, is that even possible?

1 millisecond = 44 samples (unless you're running a super fast sampling mode :))
1 micro second is 1/1000 of a millisecond right? = 0.044 samples.

20 micro seconds = 0.88 samples.

Samples can only be integers so I guess that is 1 sample of attack you have on the snare with 20 micro seconds if my calculation is correct which I hope it is... but I'm not sure :) In any case, that's EXTREMELY short attack and quite cool that Stillwell's Rocket can go lower than the usual compressors which are limited by milliseconds :)

And enough geek talk, great song Oz! Vocals weren't bad at all, they were really good. I could totally see it working in a band as main vocals really... might need a little polish but that's no biggie :)
I really like the guitars, kick and OH. Great work :headbang:
The bass guitar also sounds pretty nice, but I'm not a fan of the snare. I'd probably go for a more defined sound, with less low-mids.
I really like the guitars, kick and OH. Great work :headbang:
The bass guitar also sounds pretty nice, but I'm not a fan of the snare. I'd probably go for a more defined sound, with less low-mids.

Thanks man! I'm very happy with the guitars too.... and I'm shocked by how well the bass turned out considering I'm playing! :lol:

As for the snare, it's exactly the sort of thing I've been after for ages... but then again, I like big, fat snares like on Kyuss & Mammoth Volume records as opposed to "Pantera type" small but very defined snares...

We were definitely going for a Kieth Moon "Can't Explain" type of groove with the drums on this one.... hence the big snare.
20 microsecond attack? What the hell, is that even possible?


From the Stillwell Site:

The Rocket is a character audio compressor, singular in its extraordinary speed, responding in mere microseconds to variations in program level. Being in the order of several thousand times faster than most ordinary compressors, we respectfully submit that The Rocket kicks like a mf.

Violation of the laws of physics and digital signal processing remain beyond us at this time, and a single sample at 44.1kHz has a span of 22.6 microseconds. The Rocket’s attack time can be below this level, for absolute certainty that even the very first sample understands that you are its master. Placed on the master bus, The Rocket will effortlessly tame transients almost in the manner of a brickwall limiter.

I'm guessing it's a "lookahead" type compressor.