Thoughts on first my recording/mix


New Metal Member
Oct 9, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Hey all,

I'm after any advice, comments and/or criticisms on my first real go at recording and mixing anything.


I've basically been flying blind through the process, playing round with things until I'm relatively happy with what I'm hearing, and just reading as much information as I'm able to get my hands on.
Some of the playing is still a bit rough, and some of the trail offs need to be fixed in the guitar parts, so please excuse those.

Guitars and bass are all Axe-FX going into a Focusrite Saffire 6 into Reaper, drums are Superior 2.0.

Thanks, Tim.
Altogether not a bad mix at all, everything seems to be audible. Some small critiques, it might suit the mix to boost the kicks a little bit. Not fond of the cymbals per se but generally drum programs like DFH and Superior don't always supply the best samples. Is there a bass guitar in there as well? If so you might consider bringing that out a little bit too. Just my 2 cents, would definitely wait for some more replies from people who are a bit more experienced when it comes to audio engineering.
Thanks for the advice dude.

I've tried bringing the kicks up a bit but it seems they're buried a little, not sure by what at this stage so I'm going to have to have a play round. They cymbals have been a pain for me since day one, and yes there is bass in there so I'll try bring it forward a bit.

Another comment I've had elsewhere is that the heavy guitars may be a touch too loud for everything else?
i feel like people dont really listen to what i have to say, but in my experience, to bring the kick out, EQ the guitars down at about 275-325 hz (300 being at -6dB) and then do a boost in the same area of the kick, and then make the bass and kick solo solo and bring the bass up or down to make it to where they are about equal, then listen. also, if you know how to use a multiband compressor, bring out the higher frequencies to make it sound more alive.

it is pretty good though, better than my first lol