Thoughts on my mix so far?


Feb 24, 2013
Let me know what you think. No vocals yet, but I wanted to get some thoughts on the mix so far. (If you have any issues with it, I'd appreciate advice on how you believe I should remedy said issues.)
I dont want to be harsh cuz I'm new to the game too but i can hear a lot of volume issues, like over powering guitars, too quiet bass and quick, etc. Harsh frequencies are also an issue, what are you using for guitars? bass? how are you EQing everything (you can probably use subtractive eq to get rid of some of the nasty frequencies to an extent depending on your source). I would go over to vocals until you correct some of that stuff but take my advice for what it is, subjective constructive criticism.
Guitars and bass were recorded through a SansAmp rack unit (where there's EQ), and then into POD Farm, and then further EQ/processing in my DAW. EQ has been adjusted so that they shouldn't be stepping all over each other, but maybe I missed something. EQ for guitar is mostly subtractive, and bass EQ is about half subtractive. I know of a few spots where there's some harshness, though I believe some of it may be from the way it was played.
Guitars are thin, cymbals are tinsy. The mix is pumping. Meaning that when you mastered/limited the mix, there are frequencies competing with one another. Also, happens with the lack of proper compressing.
Could be that the drums are fighting the guitar and bass. I'll mess with that. Any suggestions on making my guitar and cymbals sound better? The pumping, I noticed a little bit, but I guess I may have overlooked it since I had already cut down a lot of the pumping on the original mix.
From your second mix. It is improved but I still hear some volume drops. The guitars are still a bit over powering.
I can hear some improvement. Can you send me or upload the guitar DI so i can see if its actually that that's part of the problem? I could "reamp" them through pod if you wanted too. are you using a DI box or coming in too loud? I wouldnt use the EQ on the actual sim, normally there inaccurate and just shitty overall. Bass can take plenty of processing, but getting a good bass tone will get your guitars sounding beastly. Drums and cymbals normally benefit from harmonic exciting, but im not sure what samples youre using. Just like benjy said, i can still hear guitars a bit too loud, but the kick is louder which is good (try and get the kick and the bass working together)