Thoughts on Soilwork's new "Death Resonance"

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
First of all, really cool compilation of great tracks. I love this band more and more with time.

Also, it is awesome to see all the different mixes, particularly having Jens Bogren as well as Daniel Bergstrand on there. I really dig Bergstrand's mix on the last track Killed by Ignition. I think he also did Wherever Thorns May Grow.

Jens Bogren and Soilwork are a great combination yet I would love to see Soilwork get Daniel Bergstrand to do their next one.
Yeah i would like Daniel to their next for sure.Both guys are awesome but if it's up to me i go with the Daniel. I always enjoyed the guitars tones, are ENGL's involved ?
I bought it the day it came out but haven't had much chance to listen to it but maybe 2 times. I've already heard/got about a third of it but the new mixes and the new-to-me stuff is, as usual, great.

On a side note, their new drummer Bastian Thusgaard- or touring drummer at this point, is a student of Dirk's and is holding his own magnificently on drums. Going to see them next month and can't wait.

Side side note, to prove how much of a dorky superfan I am, here's SOME of the swag I picked up at their last show here:

Bergstrand... really!!??? I think his mixes always sound weird. I don't like that he's doing kind of an phasey thing with the drums. Yuck!

I quite agree on his 'phasey' sound but more on guitar tones than drum tones imho. But yeah, his has a very personal approach that some don't like for sure. That said, I think he's the perfect fit with Soilwork - STD sounds incredibly good to me.