thoughts on The Kovenant

Good band with great musicians in. Fortunately they have some progress and don´t copy stupid retro trend. I am looking forward for new record.

I love how you idiots can´t accept anything with electro elements, any progress. That stupid, but that´s your thing...or better, your narrow-mindedness.
Fredy_Brown said:
Good band with great musicians in. Fortunately they have some progress and don´t copy stupid retro trend. I am looking forward for new record.

I love how you idiots can´t accept anything with electro elements, any progress. That stupid, but that´s your thing...or better, your narrow-mindedness.

(M)aggoT said:
Nexus Polaris is nice, although I don't like the vocals in this album.

The vocals are quite diverse, I like them. Hopefully he'll BM the vocals up again on the new album. The low singing on SETI was pretty weak.
Fredy_Brown said:
I love how you idiots can´t accept anything with electro elements, any progress. That stupid, but that´s your thing...or better, your narrow-mindedness.

I love how you assume that anyone who doesn't like this band can't accept anything with electronic elements. Most people on this board listen to music with electronic influences. Electronics do note = progress any more than every "retro" sounding band is following a trend.
Demilich said:
I love how you assume that anyone who doesn't like this band can't accept anything with electronic elements. Most people on this board listen to music with electronic influences. Electronics do note = progress any more than every "retro" sounding band is following a trend.
No, I didn´t say that. Most people here listen to music with electronic elements? I don´t think so...or those elements are hust very very tiny.
I hate this fucking electro trend, so pencil me in as a close minded retro-fuck. I mean, (O/T) from Swordmaster to Deathstars?

I mean, what the fucking fuck ?
Bwah Summoing really isn´t good example for an electro band. People here listen to Ulver, but the older stuff mainly....Well, that does mean nothing, but I don´t care, listen to whatever you want.

And yeah, Deathstars suck hard.
lol god will you please stop referring to electronic elements as "electro" given that that is an actual genre that sounds nothing like anything i have ever heard in metal
Zephyrus said:
Quite an evolution in just four albums.

In Times Before the Light - Dissection-style straight BM
Nexus Polaris - Dimmu Borgir/Arcturus style BM with spacey elements
Animatronic - Rammsteinish BM
SETI - Electro Industrial

Nonetheless they're one of my favorite bands despite the criticism they've recieved for such a rapid evolution. I think that each of their albums are great despite the rapid changes in style.

So what are your thoughts on these guys?

Also, does anyone know when Aria Galactica will be coming out? (their next album)
My thoughts on these guys are that of abysmal suck-assness. To me, they put out about as quality BM as SFU do quality DM - unoriginal, non-directional, boring, unimaginative lame-ass bullshit. I remember throwing Nexus Polesmokers out of my car window in total disgust before I even got back home after fucking buying it! What a shitty "band"! I wonder who would win the ultimate MarilynManson wannabe award - Dani Filth or Nagash?
Wait? Did you just say unimaginative? Wait? Let me think this through, they are a band that have consistantly done things totally different than almost any other band, I mean you will never hear anything like S.E.T.I. I mean the closest an other band has gotten to that was ...and Oceans - Cypher, which isn't even all that similar to it. Go figure it was you who said they were unimaginative.
Everything I've heard by Covenant/The Kovenant/Cuntconvent/whatever is pretty shitty. Nexus Polaris was a 5th-rate Dimmu Borgir ripoff and Animatronic was like Marilyn Manson, but worse. The fact that there are so many Covenant fans on this board deeply disturbs me.
First introduction to Kovenant was S.E.T.I., which I thought was horrible, and was amazed that members of somewhat respectable BM bands could produce such crap.

Went through their older stuff because of this thread, and it gets better as I go back.

The mark around 3:35 on Mirrors Paradise has this synth/guitar solo part that I cannot get out of my head. Like it a lot.

That said, The Sham Mirrors is better than anything the Covenant/Kovenant has put out. Don't think Nexus Polaris ccan compare. The vocalists for this band are weak as shit. Finally, I don't understand why Hellhammer holds back.

That is all. one step closer to the 666th post.