Thrash/Death Content Opinions needed

Oct 11, 2006
First time that I have ever posted a mix up but, this one is giving me some trouble, so I figured some of you might be able to give me a subjective look at this mix... Self Deprivation.mp3

Sooo after a month plus of input from the band this is where I have arrived at with a final mix. Its not exactly where I would be at if I had no input from the band but they have been nitpicking ever since the session first started. Now im not one to argue with the client (they pay my bills) but when I know something will sound better a different way its hard to keep your mouth shut, but in this case I have kept my mouth shut for a good while in order to make my cash.

Currently the band loves what their hearing except that the bass player cant hear the bass well enough in the mix. There were a lot of corners cut in the recording process and as a result I told the band that the final product will suffer, so as it stands right now I'm trying to get the best bass tone out of a e.p. that was tracked in a total of 14 hours...

If anyone has any good ideas to get the bass to stick out of the mix more without pushing up the fader I'm all ear's.

Fuck yeah, those are some sweet sounding guitars. The performance of the band could be better(they drop in speed at some points) but the mix is awesome!

Maybe you can add just a bit of distortion to the bass just to make it a bit more gritty sounding.

My guess on the guitars: Revalver?
Thanks for tips.

Nope guitars are actually real, Its a Peavey Valve King going into a cab sim. (it was either the cab sim or micing up a behringer gtr cab and fuck that...) I couldnt get the idea of re-amping guitars around the bands head. they were way to worried about not sounding the same live so I got stuck with that.
Im actually kinda like the tone, its fits the music they have heavy influence from the band demolition hammer kinda scratchy tone

Yah it was a one take per song kinda deal and there was no click track. Its live guitar and drums with the other guitar track and bass done after. Thats how they wanted to do it...

Not the best way to do it, but it had to be done quick to get it out for a show but now I'm doing damage control so the actual release will have some quality to it.

My problem is that the bass already has distortion on it on one of the bass tracks, but much more and its just fuzz. Is there a plugin that would be better for bass distortion or maybe I just need to fucking buy sansamp... Im currently using a waves GTR bass amp for the model and using one of my recab impulses.

Any other tips? Thanks GG I really appreciate it!
