THRASH METAL (kind of), all played by real humans


Mar 5, 2009
Hi folks,

here's a mix of this band i'm currently producing.

What do you think about it? especially the vocals... still too sibilant?

the mix has just some of my pseudo-mastering on it, final master will be made by our brett from tower-studio! :)

any feedback welcome!! :)

thanks guys!

cheers, markus
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I'd turn down the overheads/HH and also de-harsh them a bit.

Yeah, vox are still a bit harsh/thin/small...mostly issues with some unpleasant mids somewhere. Or too much EQ already.
Bass could come up overall a bit too I think

Digging the rest of the mix!
Music is nice too!
Hi Mago,

thanks a lot for your feedback, much appreciated!! :)

yeah, OH/Hats are definitly too loud, it's pretty obvious... no idea why i missed this, probably lost sight of the big-picutre after a couple hours of mixing ;)
Vocals are not so much eq-ed, i will work on them again. do you think the sibilance is acceptable, or too much (the f*cking SSssss, i hate this letter ;))

i'm awaiting the feedback from the band, afterwards i will upload the next revision!

thanks again!

cheers, markus