Thrash Metal Song =]

Gah. Vocals like that just ruin a song for me. I mean, I guess it fits the music. To each their own.

On a helpful note:

I would probably turn up the snare and kick a bit. Listening through headphones, the drums really seem buried. I'm definitely digging the guitar tone though.
i dont think that the drums are in time. or the guitars...somethings wrong there.
i'd also say durn up kick and snare
and the vocals down^^
Yeah, this song kicks ass! It has a bit of a "Sadus"-touch to it. The playing could be tighter though.

Btw I like the first version better. Pure raw oldschool thrash! Maybe less gain and a little EQing to the guitars' himids and highs (you've got a little "fizz" there). For me I'd bring the click of the BD down a bit and give it more wood. If you want it very oldschool you can bring up the snare even more with a gated reverb on it.

And thanks at least one who knows, how thrash metal vocals should sound like!! :)

What's the name of the Band?

best regards
Whats up

So heres the update of this mix

@EETFUK Thanks dude... these guys Have a lot of old school thrash influence and yea make some killer songs... im currently recording their first "album" I know its not some "Top notch" production but something to get by.
