Anybody into Deathcore?

Holy cave, batman!

Way too much reverb on the vocals.

Please, please, pleaseeeeeeee quantize the drums, or just tell the band to get a new drummer.
He is terrible. :/

Was this played to a metronome? This is super sloppy. It's hard to listen to.

Also, the kick sounds alright.

The snare sounds like shit. Super distant, and really thin. The toms sound like paper.

Btw, this can hardly be considered deathcore.
Upon thinking about this again..

It seems like you've made the fatal mistake of just doing what you've read on here, rather than applying the principles to your mix and trusting your ears.

If you compare this mix to professional mixes, you will instantly find things you need to fix.

Your biggest problem is the sloppiness. If it weren't for the sloppiness & vocal reverb, it would make for a pretty good demo.

Sorry if this seems a little harsh, but I just wish someone had given me advice like this. :erk:
Agree dude Im not happy at all with the mix and I REALLY appreciate the honesty!

And yes bash me we didnt use a click track

But ima try to just Remix everything all together... Excuse me if its not Deathcore.. like I said not my cup of tea and I though it was along the lines of that genre since their all cray about 808 and what not lol
Geezus fucking christ, why would anyone record metal in this day and age without a click track?
Asides from the comments about the drums that many have reiterated, I think the vocals are sitting too up front for this type of music. If you put them a bit down in the mix and reEQ the guitars and bass to be a bit fuller you will have a much larger sounding mix. I have a feeling that the snare will need to be compressed/ replaced as well. It gets lost outside of the blasting parts. But if possible you should try to re record this if possible to a click, because the playing sounds poor. As the saying goes you can't polish a turd (at least not without killing yourself with quantitizing).
