Thrashy death metal

Not many people know about them but Blood Tsunami's CD "Thrash Metal" is awesome 80's throwback thrash with death metal influences :) I don't know if it's a groundbreaking production but it kicks ass and it's some of the best thrash I've ever heard.

You might also try "Deathrash Assault" by Deathchain :) I actually haven't got this album yet, Deathchain are a pretty good band and that title sounds like it's what you want. They sound a bit like The Crown...Whose CD "Deathrace King" is pretty good thrash.

VII Arcano are an awesome black-thrash-death metal...I hate black metal...they keep it to a minimum, thankfully. Check out their CD "Inner Deathscapes."

The Arcane Order's CD "The Machinery of Oblvion" is like thrashy melodeath.

Above all else, I recommend Blood Tsunami!
Not many people know about them but Blood Tsunami's CD "Thrash Metal" is awesome 80's throwback thrash with death metal influences :) I don't know if it's a groundbreaking production but it kicks ass and it's some of the best thrash I've ever heard.

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Deicide, Serpents of the Light and Scars Of The Crucifix are particularly thrashy.

Not many people know about them but Blood Tsunami's CD "Thrash Metal" is awesome 80's throwback thrash with death metal influences :) I don't know if it's a groundbreaking production but it kicks ass and it's some of the best thrash I've ever heard.
How the hell do you get 80's throwback thrash from Blood Tsunami? It sounded more like 00's throwback modern melodic death metal to me. One of the most poorly named albums in recent memory.
If it isn't thrash metal what the hell is it? No, don't say shitty. I already had to try to talk genres with Necuratul and I felt like I was explaining trigonometry to a tree.
Thanatos is awesome.

I discovered Sadus a few days ago and I'm impressed wth their technical approach.

I own Pestilence's Spheres and it never ocurred to me to check out their thrashier roots. DER

Envenomed (Malevolent Creation) is good.

Deicide's Legion is their thrashiest album or so I heard. I plan on getting it in the near future.

I'll check out the others when I get the chance.

I completely forgot about Usurper. I saw them live once years ago and they were over the top. Hell of a band from what I remember.
^^^truth. there was one good song on that cd, and it was an instrumental. what a letdown (not like I was expecting much anyway)