Thread in Portuguese RETURNS!!!

eu vou encher o saco ,aproveitando q eu começei a escrever de novo depois de eras....Algum brasiliero tem o video do Needled 24/7?se eu perguntar mais uma vez pra td mundo me lincham,pq td mundo ta enchendo o saco por causa desse video,e como aki eh mais restrito ,um grupo menor le,to enchendo menos. se algum de vcs tiver me mande uma PV
>e como aki eh mais restrito

wrong! i saw that and now i'm gonna lynch you! :p

i'm gonna download that video... and i'm watching, so careful who you bash! (tip: don't bash Angra :-)

on Angra and videos: there's this video of Angra in Kazaa covering Painkiller... but it's a bitch to get (only one guy has it complete)... it's 34mb but it's cut in half
hehe i saw that video... whacky shit!! the other guitarrist's solo was pure crap, that was an organ!
but the guy that was singing had talent though, he screamed almost exactly as high as Edu!

they showed some whacky sketches and other crap while they were playing, you don't do that if you invite a band to play on your show >:-(
Originally posted by Kuvasz
Pffff.... dã!


Yetti, please, stop with that fucking translator!
Originally posted by thebigyetti
Sou o deus de cavalo! Ajoelhe-se antes de minha fábrica de burro!
A primeira frase naum faz sentido nenhum.....a segunda com muita imaginação pode ser lida com ajoelhe-se diante da minha bunda alguma coisa
Tipo burro .... asno......asno=ass .... deduçoes doidas