Threshold gig October 3rd

I must admit that I'm not :-( It's very difficult getting to a London gig midweek (I need 2 days off) and I can only have so much time on sick lol. It should be an excellent gig though. I think Biomechanical are on the same bill and these lot put in a good performance at Bloodstock too.
Gutted about not being able to go. If I'm fit and healthy, like Eagle, I need to take two days off to go to a gig in London....and persuading my Mum to babysit can prove costly. Now looks like I'm going to be sick next week ..but still no joy.....totally not up to it....:cry:
Yep.....think I'll be off this week as well. This a pretty nasty little germ I have and it seems to have grown mighty attached to me. I feel better but definitely not enough to go back to the stresses of work.

Only an hour from London....that must be good. I think I am about 5 and I drive fast!! I'm always jealous of the gigs that available to those near and in London. I do make to effort if it's something mighty special but I only get so much leave a year. Last one I travelled down for was Maiden at the Brixton Academy. I am hoping I might manage to get and see Strat next year.

I always try and support those bands who play outside the capital. Unfortunately not everyone is of a like mind and I have seen some pretty poor turnouts of late. For example, went to see Annihilator and Seven Witches at Rios in Bradford and there was next to no one there. Makes me a touch annoyed!!

Anyway I'll get off my soapbox now. Hope you enjoy Threshold. Should be excellent as should Biomechanical!!
I think the trouble is that when you live within 90 minutes..even that seems a pain sometimes.

I'm not sure about Biomechanical....not really my cup of tea these days to be honest.

Yeah we were at one of those Maiden shows...can't remember which one it was now...but look out for us at the Strat gig in March 2003 for sure

Annual leave at work is a terrible thing....I keeps running out!
It's a twat having to travel all the time to gigs. I think Blaze was probably the last biggish name to visit the dour streets of Hull. And to be honest I bet the majority of people in the Audience weren't even from Hull, but he was very warmly received.

Usually the nearest decent venue for me is either Bradford Rios (70 miles) or Nottingham Rock City (90 miles) and occasionally Manchester or Newcastle. After that it's London.

Also I too was unsure about Biomechanical at first but when I saw them live I thought they were quite good. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.
It seems venues in the UK are really scarcely spread.... aaawww... so sorry for all of you who cannot go but would love to! (and Dragonmaiden.... DO GET WELL SOON!!!!)

It's strange, you Brits do live in the most beautiful, enchanted and special country on earth.... the one where Heavy Metal originally was "invented" even ..... I would have thought there to be hundreds of small clubs spread all over the UK where you just have to stumble in and get to witness the most magnificent bands perform live that no one has heard of (and that years later you discover have made it BIG! hehehehe)......

And even more strange that your "local" bands (that did make it fairly big!) go and mainly play concerts on the continent -- simply because they pull much bigger crowds here! Let's hope the situation soon changes for the better for you over there!!! **fingers-crossed** :D

I'll go to 4 Threshold gigs the coming week (YEEES!!!) and we'll travel vast amounts, too (over to Britain would have been great but too much...) --- but suppose that's not to be compared, since combined with a holiday - the last of those gigs is only 15mins drive away from my home.... so I guess to be really lucky living so near a venue where all "big names in metal" are coming to!
Nice long post there Madrigal :)

I think there is a definite dirth (is that how you spell it??) of decent rock venues here in the UK. My nearest is a place called Trillions in Newcastle...about a 50 minute drive...but it is very small. The Mayfair was excellent but they demolished it. The City Hall sometimes has a decent band on but very rarely. Other than that I have to travel....tend to go to gigs with the mighty Eagle and we share the driving.

Local bands making it happens in Hartlepool. Last decent metal band this town produced was in the early 80s...White Spirit. So for those of you who are Maiden'll have already guessed maybe....Hartlepool main metal claim to fame is that Jannick Gers hails from here.....and do occasionally see him shopping in the town centre. :lol:
The whole scene is a far cry from what I grew up dreaming about in the early 80's in North Wales. There used to be great clubs in the strangest of places. Buckley (tiny village thing in N. Wales) had a venue called "The Tivoli" and they sued to get Motorhead and all sorts there. Sold out virtually every time a band came along....and now?

Take Southampton for example....there's "The Joiners" but you've got no chance if you play guitar solos and have long hair!

PQ would love to put together a UK tour but there would have to be a decent number of shows to cover the costs of getting the European members over here. Any suggestions on this front are more than welcome!
Courtesy of Threshold keys man Richard West

phenomenon, choices, turn on tune in, oceanbound, angels, falling away, freaks, echoes of life, virtual isolation, the latent gene, fragmentation, light and space + encores. :)
Oh what a setlist indeed!!!! And the time is... NOW!!!

Hey, I wish you all who are going tonight a *smashing show* !! (umm... well.... anyone apart from Symphony going here at all??)

.... And I will take this little spot here to say goodbye to you all for some 10 days now that I will be on holiday and not even get remotely close to any computer.

And since I'm in "personal mode"..... I really have to say that you're a very cool, friendly, "well-tasted" (!?) and interesting bunch of people here on this board. In only a short time I've grown to like you all very much! :)

See you soon and have a GREAT time everyone!
Dragonmaiden.... please do get well SOON!! (and WHAT?! You have heard of ELOY???? -- Cor.... that's amazing!!)

Bye now! *wave*

"..... I'll still be up there flying..... !!" :)
What a set list........I'm sick as a chip that I'm not going to witness it :cry:

Hope you have/had a good holiday Madrigal you will no doubt read this on your return. I should be better by definitely on the mend.....still coughing...but what the hey!!! Back to work on Monday hopefully. :) :( ...not sure if that's a good thing.:confused:

Yes I remember you remember Greenslade..they had some pretty excellent covers too!!!

*Waves toward the sky*