Thy Serpent

Download some songs from the albums or the whole things and then go buy what you like...I think Gorilla meant that. Or listen to the cd's in your stores listening booth,in case you have one.
Never heard of the band so can't really give you any opinions or anything.
I never buy a CD if i can't listen to it before. (Of course there are some exceptions, f.ex. Vintersorg, Amorphis...) I don't care about reviews.

But if you want to know what is my opinion - "Christcrusher" kicks ass and "Forests Of Witchery" is also quite good to listen to.
TheSomberlain said:
Why is this band only known as the band Alexi Laiho played with for a short time in 96? And why are they so silent these days?

Yeah, hell, I never could understand why Thy Serpent wasn't so popular band like f.ex. Children Of Bodom...
But, yeah, Alexi and Children could be a kind of quite efficient commercial for TS...
But If someone wants to know, I had been listening to Thy Serpent, before I heard anything about Children Of Bodom's existence...