Thyrfing – Hels Vite

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Thyrfing – Hels Vite
Regain – 27 January 2009
By Ryan Starr


Thyrfing was my first introduction to Viking metal. I came across Urkraft at my local indy record shop and said to myself “Oh look! A logo I can’t read, I gotta check this out”. So I sat down at a listening station and was hooked. Ever since I’ve followed Thyrfing’s career pretty closely, picking up every new CD. Continuing on this tradition, I got my hands on Thyrfing's latest opus, Hels Vite.

Since Vansinnesvisor came out in 2002, Thyrfing have gotten progressively darker, and Hels Vite continues on this path, taking things even further into darkness in an epic yet melancholic way. Subtle Bathory, Moonsorrow, and Primordial influences are found throughout, most obvious on ‘Isolation’ and ‘Hels Vite’. Also, the overall sound of Hels Vite seems more mature and polished, but I wouldn’t say in a bad way. It may be a bit easier to digest, but it still maintains their later work signatures.

Hels Vite also debuts their new vocalist Jens Rydén. Many fans, including myself, were concerned about the departure Thomas Väänänen. My main concern was Thomas had a distinct style that perfectly suited Thyrfing’s sound and it just wouldn’t be the same without him. Thankfully Jens has done an amazing job with the vocals, maintaining that classic sound and rhythm that we are used too. You can barely tell Thomas is gone.

While Urkraft is probably Thyrfing’s best work, Hels Vite is a solid release and shouldn’t disappoint fans of their later work. And while it’s too early to say, this is definitely a contender for my top ten of 09.

Official Thyrfing Website

Official Thyrfing Myspace
Official Regain Records Myspace