Ticket update

Wow, that's pretty amazing. Now that's the best indicator of an economic upswing I've heard yet. :)
IV sold out in 3 days.

If everyone would just stop touring, then we could go back to those days!

Has the increased availability of touring increased the costs that some of the bands are demanding too?

I'm glad you posted that things are going well, because I was worried that this year or next could be the last. It just feels like a lot of the people who grew up with ProgPower no longer are as devoted to the metal scene, and the younger crowds aren't as interested in the bands that would have headlining status.
Yeah - IMHO, Glenn has created his own problem. He pioneered bringing the Edguys, POS, etc. to the US. Now, thanks to his ProgPowers dating back 11 years, these bands seem to tour the US more frequently. If that assessment is close, Glenn is truly a hero in my book, as we would have never seen any of those countless bands here in the US. And with the increased touring, many others outside of PP have been exposed to this truly wonderful music. Thanx, Glenn!! :heh::kickass:

Chris :rock:
Yeah, I'm waiting on that tax thing nextmonth to get my ticket. (Or possibly this coming paycheck...)
I'm glad you posted that things are going well, because I was worried that this year or next could be the last. It just feels like a lot of the people who grew up with ProgPower no longer are as devoted to the metal scene, and the younger crowds aren't as interested in the bands that would have headlining status.

There a lot of people in there 30s, 40s, and so that will always be into Metal music, and more and more are becoming aware.
lol, I am sure my friends and I will still be going to PP as long as we can still be a part of the support;) We will still be listening to Metal music till we die hehe!
It just feels like a lot of the people who grew up with ProgPower no longer are as devoted to the metal scene, and the younger crowds aren't as interested in the bands that would have headlining status.

HA well this year will add about a dozen or so new die hard fans from our camp! and hopefully more!