Tickets at the event?


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
What are the chances that someone will be parting with their tickets at the event itself? The reason I ask is that I'm moving to Atlanta, so an event that took a lot of planning and money has now been reduced to just needing to get tickets. I've gotten tickets before from people with too many wanting to sell them just before the event at other concerts, does that happen at Progpower a lot?

I may try to acquire tickets beforehand, but I'm not sure when I'll be moving at this point. It could be a few days before Progpower, or a few days after.
Its possible. For example, a group finds out that one or two can't make it so they bring the tickets and try to sell them. But I'm guessing it would only happen before the doors open, as people aren't really going to be waiting outside.
I've seen people trying to sell tickets outside before (at less than face value). If you'll be in the area anyway, it doesn't hurt to swing by and see if you can get one.
If it's a few days before, keep checking the boards and maybe post in the selling/buying ticket thread. There will often be some last minute drop outs for groups or those having trouble selling a single ticket for both days. You can always plan to meet them outside beforehand.
On the otherhand, tickets for the Showcase should still be available at the door.
The Showcase hasn't sold out?

Also, the karoake Wednesday is free, right? It's only the Jon Oliva thingie that is sold out and you need a ticket for?
in 04 I had an extra ticket that I was willing to give away free at the show, although I wasn't broadcasting that (just keeping an eye open for anyone asking...did not see, and I still have the unused ticket as a piece of personal memorabilia). Chances are someone will wind up with an extra there.