Tiger Woods' press conference

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
I thought he did okay. He's still a scumbag but it was a better apology than most of that variety. He actually looked deadly serious at moments, but not as sincere as Kobe back in the day. Why is it that athletes are always better at this than actors or singers or politicians?
I don't even see why sports stars personal lives are always in the news, like I give a fuck if Tiger Woods/John Terry/Ashley Cole are slags. Just the same way I wouldn't give a shit if my neighbor was an adulterer.
Even though I like seeing him take some heat, just once in my life I would love to see somebody come out in a public apology and just tell the world to suck it. Just look in the camera and say "I don't give a shit about what any of you think - it's my life and I'll do whatever I want. I'm not accepting any sponsorships or endorsements and I'll earn my money on the course only. If anybody doesn't agree - then that is your problem." Nobody has the guts to do that and say they don't need Oprah or Dr. Phil or any other douchebag to help them seek public approval.
I heard a small clip on the radio of my alarm clock as I was half asleep this morning and he was talking about how he wants everyone to just leave his kids and wife alone and that he's going back to Buddhism. And then I thought to myself "is this a joke? He's really having a press conference about this? It can't be, that doesn't even sound like him. I don't believe it."

Then I fell back asleep and woke up late for work.

He oughta tell the press it's not their god damned business who he fucks. "Yeah, I fucked 11 women, Maybe I'll fuck 11 more. What's it to you?"
I think its bullshit he even had a public apology, he should have just come out and been like "where the fuck were you all when Michael Jordan got divorced? why the fuck do you think Magic Johnson got HIV? Pro athletes fuck bitches, its what they've earned"
Why is that entertaining?

Because most celebrities think they're Gods, like they're above the human race. They get so full of it that they think they can do whatever, in Woods case, screwing other women while he's still married. But then they get caught in the act, they're forced to apologize, then they realize their invulnerabilies (but at the cost of their "repuation") then they're no better than the rest of this pitiful human race.
Because most celebrities think they're Gods, like they're above the human race. They get so full of it that they think they can do whatever, in Woods case, screwing other women while he's still married. But then they get caught in the act, they're forced to apologize, then they realize their invulnerabilies (but at the cost of their "repuation") then they're no better than the rest of this pitiful human race.

but you're putting him up on a pedestal making him apologize in a fucking press conference, shouldn't that just be between him and his wife and family?

honestly I don't give a fuck about any of this, it's his life and his personal business should be kept personal; he's a pro golfer and that's what peoples knowledge of him should be kept to unless they're his personal friend. society and people are so fucking creepy its disgusting.
but you're putting him up on a pedestal making him apologize in a fucking press conference, shouldn't that just be between him and his wife and family?

honestly I don't give a fuck about any of this, it's his life and his personal business should be kept personal; he's a pro golfer and that's what peoples knowledge of him should be kept to unless they're his personal friend. society and people are so fucking creepy its disgusting.

Hmm. You make a good point. But I'm not saying I care that he did all that shit (honestly, I don't and I'm tired of hearing about this everywhere), I'm just saying that he was acting like he's all high and mighty, but then he fucks up and feels he has to beg for forgiveness, and that makes him feel vulnerable like the rest of us. That is why it's entertainng. 'Nuff said.
I'll never understand the obsession with celebrities.
They get a lot of attention, and deep down that's all anybody wants (obviously it's different for everyone, but the point remains), so the ones that don't get their share of needed attention study the ones that do in order to fine tune their own lives in desperate hopes to get people to pay attention to them also.
That's my take anyways. People pay so much attention to them in order to learn how to be like them in the hopes of acquiring fame for themselves.

Or they're just boring lifewastes with nothing better to do than gossip about irrelevant shit.