Tight guitar sound?


Ethno freak
Apr 22, 2003
All greetings!
Not far off the next record of my new project
I try to make more less comprehensible guitar sound
Style of the project-symph black metal....

Alike Diabolikal Masqurade and Dimmu Borgir
it would be desirable to hear your criticism on the account of sounding
In archive four files with different noise-
what to you has liked more and what it is possible to add in this or that sound?



(1,8 mb)
For the love of all things metal, don't use that shitty upload site.

Use yousendit.com.
lol, mks you know what man, i'm running everything through the mastering chain you told me about in the thread about the track i'm writing, and it all sounds so much better! Left Hander's tracks all sound more alive through it :)
Glad it helped. I wish I could get a good overall guitar sound. I never get anything that sounds great. Decent but not great.

I will begin tracking the first band at our new studio this weekend. I'm sure I'll be posting clips awaiting brutally honest critique.