
Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
From the Iced Earth forum, as posted by Jon Schaffer on 7/31/03:

Hey People,
Well the album is done, and it's not just done, it rules!! I have never been more pleased in all my years of recording.
It came out the way it was supposed to be!
And now for the big news, it's Tim Owens on vocals and he did an amazing job! I know there were a lot of people hoping that this would be the case, and it is.
I've asked Neil to put a sample of 3 of the songs for you guys to check out. SPV agreed to letting me do this as long as I did not put the whole song up. I hope you enjoy them, I know I do.
I'll be in touch soon with more news and details of the release dates for the single which will be called "The Reckoning" and the full length CD "The Glorious Burden."
I can honestly tell you I've never felt better and am truly looking to the future with more optimism than ever before.
Until next time, Jon

I've heard excerpts from their new CD, and I must say, I was impressed. I wasn't too keen on Tim Owens being the singer, but I heard him on The Glorious Burden and all my doubts vanished. I'm really looking forward to this CD, as Jon also seems very confident about his work on this CD.
I´ve heard the new singer and I can´t really agree with you that he is that great, he is pretty talanted though :) But I still like Matt Barlow better, It´s a pitty he left the band :(
Now it's official Tim Owens is the vocalist of Iced Earth
I ahevnt heard the new songs , So i dont have an opinion of " The Ripper" being in ICed earth, but MAtt BArlow was an awesome vocalist

But the next time we see barlow , probably when he gives us a ticket for being drunk in public ( Good luck in your new Carreer, BArlow ! )
it was a shame matt left IE but i think we have to look at this as a new era for the band, and if what jon said was true that matt just didnt have it in his heart anymore to carry on then it would have being pointless to release an album with barlow being below par and lets face it , it would have being a bad album because of it and people would have remebered matt for that last poor effort but as it is he went out on top and will always be remebered as a god. i say good luck to "The Ripper" because he has some very big shoes to fill
I'm very impressed the single "the Reckoning". I always liked Tim Owens, and I'm very pleased that he's with Iced Earth. No vocalist could fit the Iced Earth bill better Matt Barlow. Good luck to Barlow in pursuit in his new career, and Godd luck to Tim Owens!!!!
I'm amazed by all the psychics here saying that Ripper sounds shit singing Barlow songs...well I've got my doubts too,but I'll just wait and see how he manages here next year.
The Reckoning sounds pretty good,kinda Night Of The Stormrider-style vocals.
I really hope Owens is able to replace Barlow but I doubt.

But at least the songs I´ve already heard from the new album sound very good