Time To Mix: Symphonic Power Metal(ish)


Jul 29, 2010
So, here's the dirt:
This is a section written by Cavalcade from Ultimate-Guitar and was sent to me as a GP5 for a metal riff contest I was hosting. Loving it, I thought I'd have fun with it and see what I could work up.
You can check him, and his work out here.

You can also check out the GP5 he sent me originally at this location.

Soooo, all writing credit goes to him.

As for the actual mix, here's a reference mix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27496354/Cavalcade.mp3

The song is broken up into quite a few tracks. Everything is DI/Midi to give more customization to the mix. I quad-tracked the guitars, and re-amped them. 2 hard left, 2 hard right. Bass is DI as well, re amped with PODfarm.
Orchestra is used from the MIDI of the gp5 and I used like 6-7 different instrument patches in EWSQL. Drums are SD2 and I had trouble getting it to sound halfway decent, so bare with me. The Guitar booster is just a few patches I layered together in Nexus to give it that Dream Theater like boost to the guitars :loco:

I know It's not a whole song or anything, but it's great practice to work around symphonic elements and really see what you can do!
BPM is 196 and is in the project folder in case you forget. :p

Download the Multitracks: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/27496354/CAVALCADEMIX.zip

Questions, concerns, comments, love/hate? Enjoy guys! :Smokin:
haha Downloading now fella, Will give it a blast!

Only using some crappy ass headphones at the moment though and not too into power metal!
Definitely worth a go though :D
haha Downloading now fella, Will give it a blast!

Only using some crappy ass headphones at the moment though and not too into power metal!
Definitely worth a go though :D

Not a huge power metal person, either. However, this riff is extremely catchy imo so I thought I'd give it a go!

My Take on this mix haha, Bass drum is probably not heard and swallowed and levels will probably be terrible but the headphones im using are terrible haha!

Enjoy it, If you can XD