Time to start plugging my shit...


Master Exploder
...a few months ago I was asking a few questions about how to go about promotion of my band RockSteady, and our up and coming debut EP. Well, after many delays, we have finally recieved the master as of last night, and will be sending it off for pressing in coming weeks. We will be uploading some songs to the triplej unearthed site in coming weeks also (I will post links when this happens), but for now here is the first teaser to make it onto the net, from the title track "...To The Rescue!".

Check it out on our myspace:


Cheers all!
RoxTeddy reminds me of Teddy Ruxpin, for whatever reason.

...just an update for anyone who may like to check it out, we have another sample up and a couple of videos from last week. EP should be done in a few more weeks (been saying this for 6 months now, so fingers crossed...) and I will post links to whole songs that can be downloaded when they are up.

Goodluck, Blitzy. I'm not hearing any Grave Digger influence :p

I didn't mind the second track on your myspace site.
There are rude words in those songs!

If you got the guitar sounding sharper and somehow fixed the first 23 seconds to "Welcome to Dumpsville" you guys would really be onto something.
I like that intro!

As for the tones, unfortunately those recordings were done back when we didn't have access to the quality of gear that we are using now. At the time the dude recording us wanted to go for a more classic rock sound and took a lot of attack out of the lead guitar in particular. Since then, we are now using good shit and have heavied it up a lot more, for more of a Skid Row type sound. New recordings are being worked on now which should prove interesting in comparison.

Cheers for listening!
Shouldn't you be out looking for work, rather than 'plugging shit'.