Time to upgrade my comp, any help?

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hello dudes its finally time for me to make an overhaul on my current computer. I have been using my DX420s


for some time now, bought a Nvidia Geforce 9800gt for it and upgraded it to 4 gb's of ram. I have 2 internal hard drives and an external seagate 500gb hard drive. Everything else is stock. I'm thinking its time to replace my very outdated dual core processor. From what I understand I might have to get a new motherboard to fit a more powerful processor such as an i5? Also thinking about upping my RAM to 8gb (for audio work). My only other question would be is my graphics card still relatively good?

The reason I ask is because I tried running Skyrim (just got it) and for the first time in years I bought a game that was very laggy even with low settings (I can run BF3 maxed out though?).

Another question that just came to mind, is there a way to see if I'm getting the most out of my computer and there aren't any things slowing it down? Is there any way to configure how the hardware runs better?

Sorry for the crazy amount of questions, i'm pretty computer savvy I just have been out of the hardware loop for a few years now. Thanks!
You'll need a new motherboard, CPU, and most likely RAM - the computer world has moved far beyond LGA775 and DDR2, so buy a CPU-MB(+/- RAM) combo whenever you see something acceptable go on sale. Skyrim may be more demanding on your graphics card than processor - that 9800GT isn't exactly a spring chicken either. You won't get much use out of 8GB of RAM unless you're running 64-bit Windows, which had driver problems for the longest time (you may want to check all of your hardware to make sure that nice 64-bit drivers are now available), so be prepared for a fairly hefty overhaul if you want to replace your motherboard and CPU *and* get the sort of graphics card that'll get Skyrim looking smooth and pretty. You're likely looking at something in the ballpark of $400-$500, and at that point you'd almost be just as well off building from scratch, as that Gateway case is nearly the only thing you'll have left over (and you might want to toss that too if it doesn't have enough airflow for your new, obscenely hot processor).

For just Skyrim, though, I'd expect a lot from a nicer graphics card.

You'll need a new motherboard, CPU, and most likely RAM - the computer world has moved far beyond LGA775 and DDR2, so buy a CPU-MB(+/- RAM) combo whenever you see something acceptable go on sale. Skyrim may be more demanding on your graphics card than processor - that 9800GT isn't exactly a spring chicken either. You won't get much use out of 8GB of RAM unless you're running 64-bit Windows, which had driver problems for the longest time (you may want to check all of your hardware to make sure that nice 64-bit drivers are now available), so be prepared for a fairly hefty overhaul if you want to replace your motherboard and CPU *and* get the sort of graphics card that'll get Skyrim looking smooth and pretty. You're likely looking at something in the ballpark of $400-$500, and at that point you'd almost be just as well off building from scratch, as that Gateway case is nearly the only thing you'll have left over (and you might want to toss that too if it doesn't have enough airflow for your new, obscenely hot processor).

For just Skyrim, though, I'd expect a lot from a nicer graphics card.


awesome thank you very much for your answer! I do have a copy of 64 bit windows 7 (thats what I use now). My only other question is that I have heard of people using 2 of the same graphics card at once for a better experience? It just so happens I have 2 9800gt's. Would that be another option? (starving college student)
If you want to change your CPU you'll have to change your motherboard, you already know, you also want to buy new RAM so the clock speed of it match the front side bus of your cpu, as for you graphic card, it's more than ok for now, this is pretty much what new consoles generation will have tbh.

As for skyrim, don't play the game on Ultra settings, it's choppy laggy and not well optimized, putting that setting down to High should fix it, I had the same problem and I can run everything maxed out on 3 screens, shitty port.
My only other question is that I have heard of people using 2 of the same graphics card at once for a better experience? It just so happens I have 2 9800gt's. Would that be another option? (starving college student)

You can use 2 or 3 graphic cards in an SLI array.
My only other question is that I have heard of people using 2 of the same graphics card at once for a better experience? It just so happens I have 2 9800gt's. Would that be another option? (starving college student)

1. You need a motherboard that allows Nvidia SLI technology.

2. Don't expect 2 times processing power, it will be more like +40% to +50%.

If i were you, i would just sell these 2 old cards and buy a new one.

Also if you want to sell the whole old machine, you can most often get a bit more for the full working piece, than if you tried to sell individual parts.

Maybe take out only the external and the 1 internal HDD, because new HDD prices are still not quite normal after all these disasters at worlds biggest factories...